‘Shalom World’ Asia-Africa: Mother’s Gift to Asia and Africa on Tuesday!

by time news

New Delhi: On the eve of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to become the Mother of the World Savior, the Mother of God’s Precious Gift to the Giants of Asia and Africa, who make up 75% of the world’s population: ‘Shalom World’ Asia-Africa Channel! The fifth channel of ‘Shalom World’ was launched by broadcasting prayers to the Holy Mother of God, ahead of prayers organized by Shalom ministers in various countries.

The launch of the channel was magnificent as the ‘Fathers of Shalom World’, which started in the United States with the dedication to the Holy Mother of God, was filmed and spread to various countries, after which the Church Fathers came on screen with blessings. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagley, President of the Evangelical Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, addressed the audience for the first time, blessing Shalom World’s new venture, which has made significant contributions to world evangelization.

‘We have good news to share with everyone. ‘Shalom World’ is coming to you from today. We invite everyone to watch programs that nurture faith growth and missionary mission. Your support is also essential. We must also pray for God’s grace to be poured out on this new project, “said Cardinal Tagle.

Cardinal Charles Bo, President of the Asian Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar, expressed hope that the new channel would serve as a guide for those seeking Christ and become the voice of the persecuted church in the region. Anton Sipuka, Bishop of South Africa, said the new channel would help increase the Catholic voice in the media.

Bishop Sebastian Francis, Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, representing the Church in Asia and Africa; Paul Hinder, Bishop of the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia; Mongolian Bishop Gorgio Marenko also greeted the gathering. The theme song of ‘Shalom World Asia-Africa’ channel was also released.

With this decisive step, Shalom World became present on five continents. Shalom’s visual media ministry, which spreads the good news of the gospel to Malayalees around the world, was launched on April 27, 2014 in front of the English people. The fourth phase of the project is now possible to expand the channel to all continents in a phased manner after North America. Currently, Shalom World has separate channels in the US, Europe and Australia. In addition, the SW PRAYER channel was launched last year to provide live broadcasts, including Mass, 24 hours a day.

Like the North American, European and Australian channels, the Asia-Africa channel will broadcast on IST (Indian Standard Time) schedule, including programs from Asia and Africa. ‘Shalom World’ features a wide variety of programs, including sermons, documentaries, talk shows, music videos, concerts, films that promote moral values, and animations for children, all of which contribute to spiritual growth.

Along with the featured programs, ‘SW NEWS’ (Shalom World News) bulletins have also started airing from Monday to Friday at 9.00 pm. In addition, a program segment called ‘SW PALS’ is organized every day for children between the ages of five and 13 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Shalom World is available on all major OTT platforms, smart TVs including Apple TV and Amazon Fire, and Android and iOS devices. For more information visit: shalomworld.org For more information on making the Shalom Channel available on various devices visit: shalomworld.org/watchon

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