Shame: mold and black seed in Bedrocan weed!

by time news



CannaTommy took cannabis on a plane for the first time, buying Bedrocan’s official medical cannabis at the pharmacy. To his horror, however, the yellow-white colored pot contained moldy weed, which not only clearly shows bud rot, but which is also full of black seed! It makes it painfully clear why patients in the Netherlands are better off with their own cultivation.

With a pH value that remained fairly stable, I could go on holiday with peace of mind. I had filled the extra large water reservoir under the DGS with a solution containing TA FinalPart (formerly GHE Ripen) before departure. Just before departure the pH was 6.1 and the EC 1.5. On return, 6 days later, the pH had dropped to 5.3 and the EC had risen to 1.7. I then gave this rusty chick three more days to rinse on water alone.


Then I actually wanted to cut her into pieces above the scrog rack and hang her on a wire to dry in the empty grow tent. However, this plan was changed last minute because after a thorough inspection, between one of the most densely vegetated peaks, I unfortunately saw a little bit of superficial mold (see photo with red circle). I decided to be on the safe side, cut everything loose and only cut a part ‘wet’.

The small whiff of mold was fortunately not top rot, but just to be sure I picked it up and put it in the trash, including gloves. Of course mold is something you really don’t want to encounter in your weed and I would almost say: throw the whole bud away. In these times of scarcity, however, I use it sparingly. I can throw it away now, but if I make a mistake later and have to get it from the coffee shop or pharmacy, I also have a chance of getting weed with mold. More on that later…

This round I completely relied on the VPD map. Although I found the humidity of 74% remembered by the thermo-hygrometer to be quite high. In combination with a temperature of 25°C, the VPD card gave me peace of mind with a green box. This lady is also a bit dense, but the next round I prefer the humidity at the end of flowering to be a bit lower.


The next round I breed Sneeze in the Dokter Groen Special. I’m very curious because I’ve seen her pass by several times here on CNNBS as a beautiful plant! I just put the seed in a wet coffee filter, and the DGS will be cleaned properly soon. When the seed has germinated, the Sneeze lady can take the best spot.

With weed on the plane

Harvesting Blue Amnesia Haze changes some of my grow records. I will no longer write here every week, but once every two weeks. I will of course continue to grow in the DGS with great pleasure and will continue to share this with you, but my story will no longer be specifically about the DGS. Well, my reports haven’t been about the Doctor Green Special for a while now, so let’s get sidetracked for a while…

For the first time in four years I went on a flying holiday again. You may think: nice, but what does this have to do with growing? Well, I could hardly find anything about flying our medicine, so I thought it would be a good idea to share my own experience with it.

It’s been a long time since I got my medication from the pharmacy, because I’ve been very disappointed the last few times. Vaping Bedrocan’s weed gives me a sore throat. The pain-reducing effect also disappoints me and it wears off very quickly. But if you want to fly with it, it is wise to have everything correct, including a statement on paper. The way I’ve been consuming my medication at home lately (edibles, cannabis oil, rosin, kratom and in the Volcano vaporizer), that’s not going on vacation for a while.

Holidays can be very intensive and that is why I thought it was important to have enough medication with me. So for the occasion I ordered Bedrocan again, with a doctor’s prescription for 10 grams per day. The Schengen declaration was completed by my GP, I posted it and received it back from the CAK within a week. Well arranged! For the six days that we went on vacation, it is quite an investment, because health insurance no longer reimburses medicinal cannabis since 2017.

In Abscent’s odour-tight bags, the medical cannabis passed through customs without any problems. However, the white grapes in my wife’s bag were thoroughly inspected. Next time I will grind everything at home, now I had brought the jars closed and sealed just to be sure.

Beforehand I thought I would miss the Volcano vaporizer, but luckily the island where we were had 120 volcanoes. With the beautiful nature of La Palma and the Mighty vaporizer in my hand I have seen a beautiful part of the world. It gives physical after-effects now, but fortunately that will pass. The memory remains!

‘Bath smoking’ ????

Bedrocan or ‘bath smoking’ lives up to its name, given the seeds I encounter in this plastic jar of sadness… Hanging out the dirty laundry is not my hobby, because as a patient I am of course grateful that the possibility exists to take my medicine with me on holiday. Yet again I was reminded how bad this ‘pharmaceutical grade’ cannabis is.

Actually, this is also the reason why I am forced to grow it myself. It’s not that I like to break rules, but my medical necessity makes it extremely difficult to follow all the rules. I also have trouble understanding. As a patient, I can pay an average monthly salary to collect two of those plastic jars of Bedrocan from the pharmacy every day, but if you try to save yourself without nuisance, you are doing something that is really not allowed…

Bud rot and seeds in Bedrocan weed!

Unfortunately, Bedrocan does not work for my body. And if it did work I would unfortunately not be able to afford it financially. And if it worked and I could afford it, I think the world would go to hell because of all those plastic jars. For example, my conscious lifestyle absolutely does not fit gamma radiation. Why is Bedrocan gamma-rayed? Against fungi?

It is therefore clear that this pharmaceutical cannabis is only a ‘legal’ and temporary emergency solution for me. To protect you, I would like to warn you about what you can find in these innocent-looking white jars with the yellow cap…

I am now used to the fact that it is wise to take a critical look at weed from the coffee shop. I am also a lover and find it very interesting to look at and sniff weed. I come to the conclusion that the only thing about Bedrocan that gives me a sense of satisfaction is removing the plastic tab on the lid. Then disappointment follows for me.

The batch that was on holiday also made me cough and I got a sore throat, but for the first time also a strange feeling in my stomach and it made me short of breath. To exclude holiday factors (such as walking uphill) I tested the weed again at home in the Volcano vaporizer, unfortunately with the same findings.


Am I seeing this right? I think so, but I had my wife take a look at it just to be sure. And indeed: mold on the Bedrocan Flos with gamma radiation. By the way: if anyone knows what floss means, I’d love to hear it. My dog ​​also has a floss and that makes him super happy. This floss makes me sad; Surely this should not be provided as a medicine to people with fragile health?

As hard as I try not to judge, I don’t think I should pay money to inhale mold. It does explain my sore throat though. Can you imagine buying ibuprofen at the Kruidvat and it has mold on it? Seriously, and cannabis is also many times more expensive than ibuprofen.

Seed weed!

I thought that was it. It is sometimes said that weed from the coffee shop would be weighted. I have the impression that Bedrocan’s weed is also made heavier, namely with hemp seed. I don’t quite understand the function of this, unless you happen to want to cook with it for extra omega 3 and 6…

I prefer a strong vaporizer with a high pain level, but on vacation it also works well to smoke a pure joint now and then. I am a conscious smoker, only do it occasionally and always pure cannabis (so without tobacco). When I smoke a joint it is a moment of enjoyment. With the pure Bedrocan joint I really had the urge to throw it away halfway through because it tastes like you’re licking the ashtray. In any case, it’s already pretty good if you get halfway, because it burns so badly that you have to keep a flame on it regularly. Something that is certainly not the case with high-quality cannabis.

Annoying message

While I was on vacation I also received a message from CNNBS grow buddy Jack: the police had visited him and they had taken his plants… It came to me as an obituary. The world keeps spinning, are they really going to take a patient’s medication? In my opinion, it really doesn’t matter at all anymore. I can get very pissed about this, but in the meantime also think about my heart.

I believe I no longer have to explain to you why the medicinal cannabis from the pharmacy does not work sufficiently for patients. So we have access to absolute k-quality cannabis for far too much money and I am afraid that the mold found is a risk to public health.


When it comes to human rights, you can think anything and express your opinion, but plant racism has not been discussed much. Absurd that people have thought that some plants are not allowed. I really regret that it is necessary in this innocent blog about gardening, but this topic deserves attention. I think we all see what a mess it is in the world sometimes. All humans bleed red and all plants bleed green. Let’s stop this nonsense today. As long as I breathe seeds will germinate, you cannot take that human and plant right away from me.

Visual inspection

As a small medicinal grower, I unfortunately do not have access to knowledge and equipment with which weed can be properly analyzed. I can share pictures of my visual inspection. I think it can be deduced from this that it is not about sin semilla. From the outside it may look like a nice juicy calyx, but if you look inside you will come home from a rude awakening. Inside it is almost empty, with a retracted flower hair and with small seeds present. From the Bedrocan documentary I understood that they have been doing it with the same seed for a long time, but it seems as if this weed comes from a seed culture that was harvested a lot too early.

So this is not what good quality cannabis should look like and I don’t intend to buy it anymore. I hope that the pharmacy will expand the range one day so that I can take good cannabis with me for the next holiday.


This story is getting way too long and that’s why I quickly share a picture of the plants in the Growrilla RDWC system. Flowering is starting to take hold, they get a little more light and I keep a close eye on the temperature of the nutrient water. I’m glad they look healthy again. I’m going to close the gap in my stock a little bit until the new system is up and running.

See you in two weeks people!
Peace, CannaTommy


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