2024-07-17 21:22:26
US series star Shannen Doherty has died nine years after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The disease is insidious, but if detected early, it can be cured in many cases.
In 2015, actress Shannon Doherty announced that she was suffering from breast cancer. Nine years later, she lost this battle. She died at the age of 53.
Like Doherty, more than 70,000 women in Germany are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. The earlier the malignant tumor is discovered, the higher the chances of recovery. Read here about the warning signs women should look out for and the early detection tests that are recommended.
Breast cancer – also known as mammary carcinoma – can manifest itself through various symptoms. Some signs are visible externally, others can only be felt. Pain is usually not present in early-stage breast cancer.
If women experience these warning signs, they should consult a doctor:
Only a doctor can determine whether such changes are actually an indication of breast cancer or whether there is a harmless cause behind them, such as a benign tumor. Therefore, have such changes checked out as soon as possible.
There is currently no way to prevent breast cancer. However, the earlier breast cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Early detection tests therefore play an important role in breast cancer prevention.
All women in Germany are entitled to regular, free screening tests at a gynecological practice. The type and frequency of breast cancer screening can vary depending on the woman’s age:
The statutory programs for breast cancer screening described here are aimed at women without symptoms or special risk factors. For women whose risk of breast cancer is increased (for example due to a genetic change), other recommendations apply: They can be examined more frequently and sometimes use other procedures.