Sharp Confrontation in Israeli Defense Forces Security Review Leads to Internal Likud Criticism

by time news

A sharp confrontation broke out yesterday during the security review of the deputy head of the Israel Defense Forces (Operations Division) and the deputy general of the Intelligence Division in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. During the debate, the MK slapped Amit Halevi (Likud) criticized the representatives of the army and said that “how come you don’t take stock of all the mistakes you made. The Israeli intelligence is misleading the prime minister and the decision makers. Your assessments are fundamentally wrong. The operational plan is wrong.”

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According to him, MK joined Limor Son Har Melech From Otzma Yehudit who told the army representatives that they were “too considerate of the residents of Gaza, I receive testimonies of frustrated soldiers”. MK replied in response Hanoch Milbitsky From the Likud and said to the MK Son Har Melech: “Knock a big boy on the table what you want from them. Amit, go to the Prime Minister. At a faction meeting, you were silent, what happened here, you suddenly open your mouth.” MK Halevi replied: “In the faction, they didn’t let me speak.”

Amit Halevi (Photo: Yonatan Zindel Flash 90)

As I recall, about two months ago it was reported in “Maariv” from Likud officials that there is a difficult atmosphere in the party. “People are afraid to speak openly even with very close friends. At the same time, even without speaking, the majority of Likud members are sure that Netanyahu will not remain in office after the war and that not only he alone, but the entire Likud will pay a heavy political price. The public’s anger will be directed not Only towards Netanyahu, but towards all of us, towards the entire party that was the ruling party at the time of the disaster.”

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