“She did not let go”: Élisabeth Borne in Reunion, to try to revive the Matignon machine

by time news

2023-05-11 09:41:48

Until this Thursday, which saw her land in the early morning on the tarmac of Roland-Garros airport in Reunion, never yet Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, had gone to the Overseas Territories. She will therefore have waited “one year after her appointment” – an anniversary, well stipulated in the press release from her teams. “You must have noticed that I had a somewhat busy parliamentary agenda, she justifies in flight, a few hours before her arrival, surrounded by thick folders overflowing with red pockets. This is the first time that I can free up enough time. »

It prevents. During the period, this trip (which barring a huge surprise will not pass through the very close Mayotte), like her program which will lead her to talk about public services, housing, agriculture, ecology or employment, conceals a subliminal message: “She has no not let go of the matter”, blows a minister. Impassive despite the turbulence, except in the face of this biography (“The Secret”, Bérangère Bonte, Ed. of the Archipelago), which has just been published. Shocked, even red with anger, she asks in court that passages concerning “her health, her family life or her sexual orientation”, explains her entourage, be deleted from future editions.

She does not land in favorable lands

Still weakened – and perhaps even more than ever – by the crisis triggered by the pension reform, the nameless mess into which the absence of an absolute majority plunges her, weakened by the persistence of strong internal criticism, Élisabeth Borne does not does not intend to lay down arms. She wants to stay at Matignon. Just the presidential A330, borrowed for the occasion, is a postcard that puts you there. Good kisses, to his detractors.

The bright sky is nevertheless a decoy, the Prime Minister does not land in favorable lands. We do not see them, nor hear them on the passage of her procession, nor in the cordoned-off city center of Saint-Denis where she reviews the troops. But a few dozen demonstrators wanted to give voice – and pans for some – when he arrived. Some had settled in as early as 4 a.m.

In Reunion, it is not a new evil, “the high cost of living” strikes bank accounts. “There was a big subject pensions”, also points out a Walker. The programme, timed, with almost ten meetings a day Thursday and Friday, does not lend itself to sidesteps. But Borne says it is ready to meet the local inter-union, if it requests it. Provided, she stipulates, that it is “to talk”, “not to bang on pans”.

“I am looking for a path so that we can move forward”

Here, during the first round of the 2022 presidential election, the Insoumis candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon made a canon score (40%), before Marine Le Pen outclassed (59.5%) Emmanuel Macron in second place. “No doubt a sign of impatience with public policies that do not produce enough results,” she believes. One of the very first stages of this journey led her purposely into a “France service area”. “It is by providing concrete answers that we fight against populism”, she asks. Still need power.

The 24 hours which preceded his departure thus demonstrated that nothing is so simple. The head of government thus left Paris on yet another confusion around the immigration bill. “I am looking for a way so that we can move forward,” she sweeps, after the new reversal of the executive. With a one-piece or chunked text? The debate continues to agitate the majority.

She is careful to reveal her options. There is, all the same, again and again, this feeling that power is groping… “The President of the Senate who asked us to withdraw the text from the agenda. And then Republicans who told us: but you are not going fast enough! she returns, which also signs her mood and her intentions.

The fear of a deleterious sequence

From the air, Borne distributes the bad points and returns the blows, therefore. It also reserves one for the small group of irreducible centrists, Liot, who intends to wipe the pension reform off the map thanks to his bill (PPL) of June 8. “It is quite irresponsible on their part to suggest that their approach will make it possible to reverse the pension reform”, slices the Prime Minister, “a way of attracting light by not telling the truth to the French”.

Some, in the macronist camp, have nevertheless lost sleep over it, fearing, whatever ultimately happens to the reform, a deleterious sequence for the executive and the majority. Spicy, the Prime Minister intends to mark her authority over those who, among her ministers, are reluctant to save money – Gérald Darmanin is one of them, as revealed by Le Canard enchaîné.

When others despair of seeing the situation unblock. “In Reunion, as elsewhere, if we want to convince our fellow citizens, we must have results”, continues Élisabeth Borne, in full flight over the Mediterranean, rejecting the idea of ​​a five-year term prevented. The Prime Minister knows that she will also have to demonstrate this in front of her own troops, if she wants to get out of the quagmire. From Reunion, as elsewhere.

#Élisabeth #Borne #Reunion #revive #Matignon #machine

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