She invited her husband to dance, he didn’t stop, I played… – Memoir about the actress – 2024-02-09 07:50:50

by times news cr

2024-02-09 07:50:50


August 16 marks the anniversary of the passing away of the well-known and beloved talented actress and singer Firangiz Rahimbeyova. The artist who emigrated thirty years ago has not left the hearts, he remains, lives and is loved. Chingiz Sultansoy, the author of the memoir presented to you about the unforgettable woman and actress, did not see Firangiz on the screen, but for the first and last time in his life in 1992, at the restaurant where poet Mammad Ismayil’s birthday was held, at the meeting of creative intellectuals, and he spoke and felt his impression when he heard the news of the death of the actress. wrote down.
May God have mercy on Firangiz Rahimbeyova!

Chingiz Sultansoy

The news of Firangiz Rahimbeyova’s death came from America…
I saw Ms. Firangiz not on the screen, but for the first and last time in my life in the fall of 1992 or the spring of 1993, at the event of the well-known poet, journalist and publicist Mammad Ismayil. Let me tell you the story.
At that time, M. Ismayil was the chairman of AzTV, and the event was either his anniversary or his birthday. Ms. Firangiz and I sat next to each other at the table in a restaurant whose name and location I forgot. She was not alone, of course, as my beloved John Galsworth said, such women are not alone, they cannot be. His wife or friend was sitting on his left, I was on his right, and our backs were to the hall. I greeted the couple: “Mrs. Firengiz, I’m glad to see you.”
The movie “Ring of Luck” was released a couple of years ago, it became popular at that time, and Firengiz also shone there… Her husband was taking care of her, putting salad on her plate, and she said to me, “Can you give me that salad bowl?” “I will draw.”
I was not known at that time, after the “Ganclik” magazine headed by Mammad Ismayil, I started to be known when I worked in the weekly newspaper “Svoboda” of the APC, I had an article in Russian in each issue, and one was discussed in MM. And now an invitation to AzTv, a new interesting job, the first broadcast…
Firangiz Rahimbeyova asked me in Russian: “How do you know Mammad Ismayil?” he asked. I answered: – Where are you from? It turned out that he sang the song written to his words.
Firengiz would have been 30-31 years old at that time, I didn’t know, of course. Just a beautiful and charming woman, a talented and well-known actress and singer, the bright and sexy character of the popular “Ring of Fortune”, I think, was at the peak of her fame.
Music was playing, I was busy eating and talking with friends on my right, and at this moment I heard strange words and intonation. Firengiz and his friend were arguing, so I understood that Firengiz wanted to dance, but his friend didn’t let him. I made myself deaf, I was busy with my food. And from the looks of those sitting in front of me, I realized that Firengizgil was getting up and dancing.
I put the fork and knife on the plate and turned to the right. He was dancing alone! Imagine, the big dance floor, the restaurant is full of men, most of them are journalists, writers, TV presenters, – meanwhile I saw the poet Alisamid Kurun standing next to Abbas Abdulla, the consul general appointed to Istanbul, – there may or may not be two or three women, and a beautiful and famous actress is alone in the middle of the hall. she dances and invites her lover to dance with her flirtatious movements.
That man didn’t move, didn’t get up, Firangiz, seeing that he didn’t come, turned his face to the hall and circled. She played beautifully, she was an actress anyway, but I felt a little distress, it was clear to me that she is not completely free, this dance is not solo, she wants someone to be opposite her. His wife did not sit still and look at him, nor did he clap his hands. After two or three seconds of hesitation, I got up and joined Mrs. Firangiz. I don’t remember the melody, it was national air, we started dancing…
He encouraged me with his smile, and he started playing with more heart and enthusiasm. I don’t play well either, I haven’t done choreography, but I can dance well. When the dance vibe hits my bone and my partner sleeps in my heart, and you drink a little to loosen up, you start playing with your heart. The main thing in dancing was to play from the heart, moreover, I make improvisations and tricks from Georgian dance movements or lezgi tune, which is interesting.
Now, my partner was not just a beautiful woman, but Firangiz Rahimbeyova, who stood out for her delicacy, special charm and charm. In short, we were dancing, the whole restaurant was looking at us, and no one was playing except us. It was felt that it was from the heart of Ms. Firangiz, after all, she is an actress, she likes to be in the center of attention, and she should like it. We played well. When I heard that he wanted to stop when the melody changed, I quickly came closer to him, clucking my vomit-like shells with percussion, bowed by lowering and raising my head with a short movement, and thanked him with my tongue. He: Thank you for supporting me, not leaving me alone! (Thank you for not leaving me alone!)- Ето долг и приятная областьность.
I sent Farengiz to his place and went out of the restaurant so that if his friend is dissatisfied and wants to say something, let’s talk here, let’s not argue and make noise inside, and not disrupt the event. But it did not come out, there were no rumors. Thank you. After all, what did I do? Should I have asked my husband’s permission to join the dance? Of course, if I bought it, it would be more polite and ethical, according to the rules.
I had no claim to that woman, my joining her dance was an impulse, born from her beauty and being alone on the dance floor at that moment. If a beautiful woman is a center of attraction and a magnet in life for a man, then an actress, singer, talented, well-known, star is a double, tenfold magnet. Somerset Maugham described her talent, charm of the actress, and her ability to go from cover to cover in the novel “Theatre”.
We didn’t meet after that dance. We met and became friends only after 20-25 years on Facebook. I don’t even know if he remembered me or not.
I congratulated and wrote compliments on birthdays. It was only after her death that I learned that she had separated from her first husband and emigrated in 1993. So, they were on the verge of divorce in that restaurant…
May your soul be happy, our dear artist Firangiz Rahimbeyova!

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