She is the lighting queen of Levantine 7 and these are the places she likes in the city

by time news

The groves park

I’ve been living in Tel Kabir for five years now and my bedroom window overlooks my favorite park of all. This park has been my refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city many times. I go there with friends to drink beer and play frisbee, to make calls into the night and also to go for a run (which I usually stop in the middle because I’m really out of shape and quite suffering from it). There is the amazing Russian church there that looks like we’re not really in Israel and you can hear the ringing of the bells to the house. Chutsamza there is a secret and beautiful botanical garden that is open on Shabbat and a view of a small lake with ducks, a dream.

An escape from the crowd. Forest Park (Photo: Nimrod Saunders)

A la Rampa

My favorite place in town for an evening beer. I discovered him a few years ago because he is from a place near the factory alleys and the Martz lane, where most of the rehearsal rooms and studios are located in the south of the city. We used to go there after rehearsals and I have fond memories from there. It’s an open-air restaurant, 10 minutes’ walk from the neighborhood, there’s bazooka pasta and tabula salad, which are a winning combination. Every Sunday we gather there – the Upper Lesbion Parliament, to Lerler and to lift up the life of Sarit Hadad.
The toil 21

Came well after rehearsal.  Fish has a ramp.  Photo: Anatoli Michaelou

Came well after rehearsal. Fish has a ramp. Photo: Anatoli Michaelou

Hasli Hummus Center

The usual name with us is “Merza”. A Jaffa restaurant of excellent hummus, salads and skewers. A small place located very close to the house, on Yafet Street. If I could I would eat there every day. You open a table and somehow leave with less than a hundred shekels. Hummus is my favorite food in the world, especially when it’s hot, the salads there are fresh and there is lemon juice. This place reminds me of Ramla, I moved to the city more than 10 years ago and I go there to feel at home. I took everyone there that I could. Parents, friends. Always fun and always delicious.
Yafet 73

Feels like Ramla.  Hummus with fried onions at the Hasli Hummus Center (Photo: Hasli Hummus Center)

Feels like Ramla. Hummus with fried onions at the Hasli Hummus Center (Photo: Hasli Hummus Center)

Charles Clore Beach

And to be really specific, then the lawn between Manta Ray and the Etzel Museum. I usually go there in the evening to watch the sunset, with my partner or with friends. It’s one of my favorite spots in the city, bring a blanket and some beer and sit there for two hours Three until it gets dark. Sometimes I come alone and write, sometimes just thoughts and sometimes really poems (my song “Bridge” was written there). Something about sharing this moment with strangers who sit around and watch the sun sink into the sea gives me inspiration and peace. In moments God, I have a huge love for this city that gives me space to be myself.

Space to be me.  Charles Clore Park (Photo: Getty Images)

Space to be me. Charles Clore Park (Photo: Getty Images)

Levontine 7

A concert club that for me is like a second home. I have been designing stages and lighting at shows for several years now. My job is to bring vibes to the show and give people a visual experience that complements the music. I get to be there several times a week and see excellent performances as part of my job, sometimes by beginning artists, sometimes by seasoned musicians of the first rank. I already got to be an illustrator of some of the artists I admire and it was unimaginable for me. In this place there are wonderful people who became friends and taught me everything I know until objectively and unquestionably I became the queen of lights of the south of the city.
Levontine 7

This is how it looks on the home court.  The Zabri brothers in Levantin 7 (Photo: PR)

This is how it looks on the home court. The Zabri brothers in Levantin 7 (Photo: PR)

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