Sheet metal for the pusher, daily newspaper Junge Welt, September 8th, 2023

by time news

2023-09-08 00:00:00

Even if not every police officer is our “friend and helper,” the police still have to be there to maintain the legal order. Hardly anyone doubts this, even if the implementation sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. It is also a matter of course that the police do not only come when the person concerned has a corresponding amount of money. Nobody wants such conditions. You often find them in authoritarian states, but not in a constitutional state like ours.

But now Team Blue is obviously going to attack. Interior Minister Herbert Reul from North Rhine-Westphalia, who likes to act as a “law and order” general, has quietly changed the fee schedule for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is an open secret that he wants to use this to hit the so-called climate glue. They should pay for the police costs caused. However, this is not explicitly regulated. The fee schedule applies to all alleged troublemakers. And if Reul’s troops are of the opinion that a fan march, for example, is a disruption, they have to pay for it. “Immediate coercion” is the key word for this.

However, this immediate compulsion can be many things. Pushing the football fan, using a baton or carrying him away are just a few options. Reul obviously wants cemetery peace instead of a lively civil society. The coalition “Stop the North Rhine-Westphalia Assembly Act!” criticizes, for example, that an obligation to pay could also prevent people from exercising basic rights such as the right to demonstrate. And since football fans are known to be often the target of police measures, there is resistance here too. The fan aid organizations from Dortmund and Münster have commented on this. Fan scenes outside North Rhine-Westphalia should join in before other interior ministers come up with such ideas. Because one thing is clear: if the door of reprisals is opened a little further, it will not be closed again. On the contrary, it will open up more and more. If today it is the “climate glue” and football fans who are being hit, perhaps tomorrow it will be the father of a family who is demonstrating for more daycare places.

“Sport free!” from the fan advocate.

#Sheet #metal #pusher #daily #newspaper #Junge #Welt #September #8th

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