Sheikh Khazali: The Americans prevent Iraq from contracting with Russia and China to enhance air defense systems

by time news

2023-11-24 21:14:34

November 24, 2023

Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The Secretary-General of Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Sheikh Qais al-Khazali, said that the Americans are preventing Iraq from contracting with Russia and China to strengthen air defense systems, indicating that Iraq does not need the presence of the international coalition to direct air strikes against ISIS gangs.

Al-Masalla publishes snapshots of Al-Hazali’s dialogue during a televised interview:

Recent events are evidence that the presence of American forces is not advisory

The blood of the crowd reveals the US administration’s continued violation of Iraqi law

– The American forces that attacked Iraqi forces do not have immunity and must be held accountable

The Iraqi parliament must have a position on the American presence

One of the previous governments granted immunity to American forces, and we must revoke it

– There is no immunity for foreign fighters, and the aggressors must be held accountable in accordance with the provisions of Iraqi law

– The American forces that attacked our Iraqi forces do not have immunity and must be held accountable

– Washington does not provide air defense weapons to Iraq in order for it to continue to need American aviation

The Americans do not want to leave Iraq and justify their presence by fighting the terrorist ISIS

– The American talk about the presence of its forces at the request of the Iraqi government flattens the issue

– The Americans do not want to leave Iraq

– When there is a government intention to expel them, they send threatening political messages

The American administration always threatens the dollar bill and the economy

Everyone knows that Iraq declared its victory over the terrorist ISIS in 2017

Successive governments hesitate to remove foreign forces due to American pressure

The primary motive of the international coalition is to protect American national security, which is linked to the Zionist entity

The international coalition’s military aircraft and drones over areas free of ISIS are for espionage purposes

The Iraqi request for assistance from the international coalition does not include flying over safe areas

There is an obstacle in that Iraq does not have the capabilities to defend its skies

The Americans prevent Iraq from contracting with Russia and China to enhance air defense systems

– Iraq does not need the presence of the international coalition to direct air strikes against ISIS gangs

– Attacking the Popular Mobilization Forces by foreign forces is unacceptable

– Washington does not provide air defense weapons to Iraq in order for it to remain in need of American aviation

The Americans do not protect the skies of Iraq, but rather use them to achieve their goals, the latest of which is what happened in Jurf al-Nasr

The Palestinian people suffer the greatest oppression from the darkest occupation

Iraq is a strong country and has an army and expertise that most countries in the region do not possess, and it can easily build its own capabilities

– Iraq does not need the presence of the international coalition to direct air strikes against ISIS gangs

– Attacking the Iraqi security forces, especially the Popular Mobilization Forces, by foreign forces is unacceptable

– When American forces in Syria are under “attack” and they accuse Iran of bombing them, the Americans bomb empty camps so as not to kill a single Iranian.

– When American forces in Iraq are attacked, they do not care about Iraqi blood, and we will not accept underestimation of Iraqi blood

The Palestinian people suffer the greatest oppression from the darkest occupation

The Palestinian people took the decision to engage in armed struggle and struggle to regain their freedom and land

The Iraqi resistance had a clear participation in supporting the Palestinian people

The Palestinian people have determination and determination to expel the Zionist entity from their land

– All the “tactical progress” achieved by the Zionist entity and those behind it is met with strategic losses.

The so-called “strongest army” was unable to kill a single leader of the Palestinian resistance

– Now everyone knows the size and right of the Palestinian people to establish their just state

The qualitative development of the Palestinian resistance has proven that the Palestinian people are close to recovering their land and rights

The qualitative development of the Palestinian resistance has proven that the Palestinian people are close to recovering their land and rights

What is happening in Gaza has exposed the Zionist entity and revealed the ugly picture of everyone who provides support to the occupation

The Zionist entity and the countries supporting it suffered great losses in the face of the Palestinian resistance

– Unifying the fronts of the resistance axis in the region was planned by the martyr Commander Qassem Soleimani

The Palestinian issue was and still is the first issue on all fronts of the axis of resistance

The Iraqi resistance had a clear participation in supporting the Palestinian people

The Sudanese government and the framework have put the state on the right track

The Zionist entity uses American weapons and money to kill the Palestinian people

– Americans bear responsibility for the genocide to which the Palestinians were subjected

The Americans do not expect the Iraqis to stand by and watch the criminality taking place in Gaza

The American administration bears the bulk of innocent Palestinian blood

The declaration of a truce in Gaza is a victory for the resistance and the Palestinian people

– Terminating the membership of the Speaker of Parliament is a courageous decision by the Federal Supreme Court

The so-called “strongest army” was unable to destroy the tunnel network in Gaza

The Palestinian people have the will to win against any brute force

Civilization is part of Iraq’s history, and the people believe in the state and its institutions

The Zionist entity was unable to free its prisoners in Gaza and was forced to accept a truce

The Iraqi people are free and have the ability to recover quickly

The Sudanese government and the framework put the state on the right track

The rapid government achievements gained public confidence in the political process

The charge of forgery was one of the accumulated errors by which the House of Representatives was administered

– What happened regarding the Presidency of the House of Representatives was a natural result due to the violating behaviors and actions

The legislative authority cannot continue with these actions and behaviors

The ruling issued by the Federal Court relates to one of the most serious cases

Contracting with a company that practices normalization with the Zionist entity is one of the most dangerous issues

– Terminating the membership of the Speaker of Parliament is a courageous decision by the Federal Court

If there had been political interference in the Federal Court’s decision, it would not have issued its ruling

– Appearing to have the greatest power is used to gain momentum in the provincial council elections

– No one has the right to cancel the political presence or role of any citizen

The Sunni political system is based on authority, and Al-Halbousi lost the top position

– What Al-Halbousi is doing is an attempt to pretend to be strong

The Iraqi experience demonstrated the end of the political role of all former heads of parliament

– Any person who leaves the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives ends his political role

We do not disavow some of the charges we are accused of, but rather we are honored by them

If there had been political interference in the Federal Court’s decision, it would not have issued its ruling

There are legal provisions in the mechanism for submitting candidates to the three presidencies

– There is a political custom that the prime minister is from the largest Shiite community

We support the Sunni political forces’ agreement to present one or more candidates

– Those who demand the application of “political custom” are the first to not adhere to it after the 2021 elections

– The political norm is that the candidate for the presidency of the republic is a Kurd and the speaker of parliament is a Sunni

The constitution requires the largest parliamentary bloc to present its candidate for prime minister

The largest bloc’s candidate for prime minister is presented in consultation with the Kurds and Sunnis

– There should be no rejection of the candidate of the largest bloc of Kurds and Sunnis

The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic presents and takes the opinion of other parties

The Sunni political forces are concerned with presenting the candidate for the presidency of Parliament

We support the Sunni political forces’ agreement to present one or more candidates

– If the Sunni forces do not agree, all representatives have the right to nominate for the presidency of Parliament

– The political custom regarding the candidate for the presidency of Parliament is not adhered to

– Whoever demands the implementation of political custom is the first to not adhere to it after the 2021 elections

– The Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Taqaddum Party did not respect the Shiite majority after the last elections

When the framework had a Shiite majority, the Democrats did not comply and came forward and tried to reach an agreement with a section of the Shiites

Some of the framework forces had a prior commitment with the National Union to support its candidate for the presidency of the republic

– Al-Kadhimi assuming the position of prime minister is one of the mistakes in the history of human existence

Since 2003, Iraq has not achieved the experience of a successful state, as happened after the formation of the Sudanese government

– No one has the right to cancel the right of any Sunni party to present its candidate for the presidency of Parliament

– Any political party has the right to run for office, and any representative or bloc has the right to support it

-We are not convinced by the so-called political norm

– The state of political recovery in Iraq, which rejects wrong situations

– There is no accuracy in the statement that claims that we remove any personality we do not want from the political process

– Iraq’s political situation is recovering, making it reject error and anomaly

Some politicians reached high positions under exceptional circumstances and foreign will, such as Mustafa Al-Kadhimi

– Al-Kadhimi assuming the position of prime minister is one of the mistakes in the history of human existence

– The American military presence violates the Iraqi constitution

The Iraqi request in 2014 included directing air strikes and providing intelligence assistance

The Iraqi request did not include the establishment of military bases and the presence of combat forces

The Constitution does not approve foreign bases or the presence of combat forces except with the approval of Parliament

There is a play on words in Iraq’s request for international coalition assistance

The government does not have the right to agree to the establishment of foreign bases and the presence of combat forces

– If there is a government that gave approval, then it has violated its powers and will be held accountable

– No government has given approval for foreign military presence

The American presence gradually took advantage of the situation and was able to impose itself on Iraqi soil

The bombing of the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces proves with practical evidence that the American presence is not advisory

– American forces bombed official forces that were defending the Iraqi people in a dangerous area

The result of the blood of the martyrs will be the expulsion of foreign forces from Iraqi territory

The blood of the martyrs of the PMF is an extension of the blood of Commander Al-Muhandis and Commander Soleimani

We rejected some political figures who are not temperamental

– There is room for a diversity of opinions and convictions within the Shiite Framework Alliance

The Shiite framework is not one taste and one vision, and there is a clear space for expression within it

The Shiite framework bears the responsibility of protecting and building the state

The absence of provincial councils was the target of a media machine that wanted to show failure and deepen despair for Iraqis

We have a Shiite party that does not want to hold elections. Will it be able to prevent them in Anbar, Nineveh, Salah al-Din, and Diyala?

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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