Sheinbaum does not deserve to have her investiture at risk, says opposition and calls for dialogue to unblock San Lázaro

by times news cr

The way out to end the blockade Chamber of Deputies has it Morena in Congress if it is decided to dialogue with the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federationsince not doing so puts at risk the investiture as constitutional President of Claudia Sheinbaumand neither she nor the country deserve that, opposition legislators agreed.

The coordinator of Citizen Movement (MC) in the Chamber of Deputies, Yvonne Ortegasaid that the statement by the judicial workers’ spokesperson that they would remain on strike until October 1 should draw the attention of Morena and the president-elect in particular.

“I have said it in the Jucopo, I have said this in various interviews and I confirm it in this video. I think it is unnecessary that the first female president of Mexico, who will go down in history, is being subjected to an atmosphere of chaos.

“What is the urgency? What is the urgency to be able to vote on this initiative? If we can be in October, in November, in December and even give recognition to a true reform to the Judicial Branch made by the first female president of Mexico,” he said in a video message.

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He commented that in conversations that members of the bench have had with workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, they have noted that they are ready and determined to defend what they believe in and that they will receive their support.

The deputy Federico Döring (PAN) called to avoid obstructing Sheinbaum’s investiture on October 1 due to the dissatisfaction of the workers of the Judicial Branch.

“I am very concerned to hear voices saying that they could remain there even to try to hinder Claudia Sheinbaum’s inauguration on October 1st. Which is clearly something we must avoid.

“I urge the president-elect to return to dialogue and not fall into the trap of a whim, of a tantrum typical of a megalomaniac who has the country on the brink of a constitutional crisis.
Mexico, he stressed, does not deserve that its first elected female president in 200 years of the Republic not be sworn in with all the decorum, protocol and ceremony that the event deserves.

“It is a historic event and as such it should take place in San Lázaro, in the People’s Housethe same people to whom the Morena legislators closed the doors and did not want to listen, for the moment I reiterate that they have my full support and backing.

“Because prudence cannot be demanded from those whom the majority of Morena did not know how to listen to. They are desperate and are carrying out a peaceful struggle, which I support, understand and back,” he said.

Meanwhile, the coordinator of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the Chamber of Deputies, Ruben Moreiracommented that Morena has a way out of the blockade if it sits down to dialogue with the dissatisfied and takes their requests into consideration.

“The workers of the Judiciary, the secretaries, judges, magistrates, and why not, the ministers have the right to express themselves, to express their ideas, to form associations, and students, lawyers, and specialists can join them.

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“Everyone has to be heard, but not only that, their proposals have to be taken into account, reflected upon, they can stay outside the chambers, but nobody should be alarmed, the solution is easy, the government should pay attention to them, Morena should stop this massacre of democracy,” said Moreira.

He asked the majority to reflect on what is happening, to understand the ideas and to try to meet with good jurists so that the country has a good justice system and not what is intended with the reform.

Like Döring, he offered his full solidarity with the protesting groups, because, he said, it is their right.


2024-09-07 16:09:34

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