Sherine’s family accuses her of drug abuse and confirms her return to her ex

by time news

The Egyptian singer Sherine Abdel Wahab has faced the biggest crisis, after her life was turned upside down within hours, and she is now in a hospital for addiction treatment.

The story, which initially started with talking about a cruciate ligament injury and the need for emergency surgery, turned into accusations of her brother beating her and holding her in a hospital.

Mohamed, brother of Sherine Abdel Wahab, made a phone call to the media, Amr Adib, to talk about the details of the hot crisis, to reveal shocking surprises.

Sherine with her brother Muhammad

He confirmed that the issue is “complicated” and that his sister deals with a “gang” made up of her ex-hussam Habib, as well as producer Sarah Al-Tabbakh, which made him declare: “My sister is lost…my sister is collapsing.”

Abdel-Wahab denied that he had beaten or assaulted her, according to what was said and published.

He explained that “things returned to normal” between Sherine and her ex-hussam Habib after he returned a car to her, but he did not give up the cases against her, while she gave up everything against him.

Sherine’s brother revealed a shocking surprise, when he claimed that his sister used drugs accompanied by Hossam Habib, and that she had recently rented an apartment in the assembly area “in order to take drugs with Hussam Habib,” according to his claim.

With regard to her admission to the hospital, Muhammad Abdel-Wahhab confirmed that he admitted her to the hospital compulsorily, as she “is not qualified and must be treated.” He added that the director of the hospital is present in the Public Prosecution and has all the papers and analyzes that prove this matter.

He indicated that he did not take her to the hospital, but that a specialized committee attended to take her to the hospital.

After Muhammad’s words, his mother entered the crisis line, where she spoke in a television interview with the same program and sought help from everyone to “save” her daughter from Hossam Habib and Sarah Al-Tabbakh.

Sarah the cook

Sarah the cook

She stressed that her daughter, after her last party, went home with Hossam Habib, “and took drugs with him in the studio,” and then went to a fight with her mother and sister and expelled them from her home, because she was not conscious, according to the mother’s speech.

The mother revealed that her relationship with her daughter was very good, but after Hossam Habib returned to her life, he was ordering her to expel her mother so that he could be alone with her, which made the mother cry, saying: “Protect her from this valley … because this valley is evil.”

The mother explained that Sherine expelled her daughters as well, as she was not conscious because of the drugs, noting that Hossam Habib “returned to her again with a new plan.”

The mother collapsed during the intervention to be completed by her brother and confirms that he will continue trying to save Sherine “until the last day” of his life, and will not leave his sister until medicine confirms that she is able to take responsibility for herself.

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