Shingles: Blisters in the Ears and Facial Symptoms Explained by Dr. Manoon

by time news

2023-09-11 04:43:14
Shingles, a painful and debilitating condition, is becoming increasingly common in people aged 50 years and over, according to warnings from Dr. Manoon Leechawangwong, a physician specializing in respiratory system diseases and intensive care patients. The doctor recently shared the case of a male patient, aged 55, who was typically healthy before contracting shingles.

The patient initially presented with symptoms of fever, sore throat, and pain in the face and left temple. However, within just five days, clear blisters began to appear in clusters in the left ear. The left side of the patient’s face became distorted, causing dizziness, vertigo, difficulty swallowing food, and hoarseness. Upon examination, it was discovered that the patient’s left vocal cord was paralyzed.

Further investigations, including brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), revealed inflammation in the 7th and 8th left cerebral nerves. Blood tests showed high levels of shingles-specific antibodies, confirming the presence of the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) – the same virus responsible for chickenpox. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis also detected the shingles virus.

Dr. Manoon diagnosed the patient with Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) infection, commonly known as shingles. The condition had caused inflammation in several cranial nerves, resulting in meningitis. To combat the illness, the patient received intravenous administration of the antiviral drug acyclovir for 14 days, along with corticosteroids.

Although it took several months, the patient eventually recovered from shingles. Dr. Manoon emphasized that the residual nerve ending pain typically associated with shingles was absent in this particular case. However, he reinforced the importance of understanding that shingles can have serious complications, especially for individuals over 50 and those with impaired immune systems. It is worth noting that individuals taking immune-suppressing medications are also at greater risk.

Thankfully, there is now an effective vaccine available to prevent shingles. Dr. Manoon’s cautionary tale underscores the importance of raising awareness about this condition and ensuring that individuals at risk receive the vaccination, which could potentially save them from the painful and distressing symptoms of shingles.]
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