Shingles Vaccination Found to Reduce Risk of Dementia, Study Shows

by time news

2023-06-02 17:58:00

In the past was authorized in Wales for a shingles vaccination made dependent on the date of birth. Those born before September 2, 1933 were excluded. On the other hand, Welsh people who were born afterwards were entitled to be vaccinated.

These circumstances offered now ideal research conditions for a study, which examined the connection between dementia and shingles vaccinations. Scientists from the Universities of Heidelberg, Mainz and Vienna came together for this. Researchers from Stanford University in California also took part.

Striking causal relationships between shingles vaccination and dementia

With a number of test subjects of over 290,000 people and Data They discovered striking causal relationships through vaccinations, medical examinations and death certificates. A diagnosis of dementia was reduced by 19.9 percent with a shingles vaccination over the following seven years. And the vaccine was significantly more effective in women than their male contemporaries.

The conclusion of the researchers: “Our results strongly indicate an important role of the varicella-zoster virus in the development of dementia”.

According to “Focus”, the test results have not yet been checked by a specialist board. Nevertheless, they allow a positive outlook on the future of dementia research.

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