Shirt arms and arm of honor: “it doesn’t look good*”!

by time news

*as Quebecers say

TRIBUNE/OPINION – Alain Tranchant returns to the now (sadly) famous arm of honor of the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, addressed to MP Olivier Marleix (LR) at the National Assembly, on March 7.

In the space of a few days, the French people were treated to a strange spectacle. First, a President of the Republic in shirt sleeves, and in a nightclub, during his African trip. Then, a Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, administering not one, but two arms of honor to be better understood, in front of the deputies in the National Assembly.

To use the famous saying of François Fillon, who imagines for a single moment General de Gaulle in shirt sleeves, and in a nightclub, on an official trip? When will Emmanuel Macron in bermudas?

As for Eric Dupond-Moretti, we have to believe that he has really exceeded the limits, since the host of Matignon thought it necessary to let it be known that “this behavior has no place in the hemicycle”. But, more seriously still, a minister indicted – the simple reminder of his situation is at the origin of his bloodshed – above all has no place in the government of the French Republic.

When he got to business, Mr. Macron had extolled the merits of the new world that was coming with him. It must be observed that, in the old world, the ministers indicted had no choice: they had to resign. It is also to this case law that the Keeper of the Seals addressed his arm of honour.

When the country is on the verge of explosion, it is first and foremost the example that citizens are entitled to expect from those who intend to lead them.

Obviously, the account is not there if the Head of State lacks dress and a minister, not least, that of Justice, restraint. As Quebecers say, “it doesn’t make sense” !

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