Shlomo Kramer invests in a startup that wants to make life easy for DevOps

by time news

Photography: Nir Selkman

Developers today have to be much more than “just developers” and end up finding themselves overloaded with huge amounts of information that is not necessarily their “bread and butter” but that of the DevOps people in the organization. This way they find themselves in a spin, which hurts the development experience and in the end the devops people are also hurt in the process. A new Israeli startup wants to solve this.

“Enable organizations to brainstorm 30-40% faster”

The Israeli startup Port is developing an internal information management system for organizations, to try and make the lives of the developers and DevOps people in the organization easier – and above all to significantly improve their development experience. “The cognitive load created on the development teams is greater than ever as a result of the progress of DevOps. Picking up a new microservice, picking up a resource in the cloud, or even understanding what version is currently running in a staging environment becomes non-trivial and requires in-depth DevOps knowledge,” says the CEO in a conversation with Gigtime The company shines in my eyes.

According to him, this load eventually translates into the development of the devops people in the organization, who have to respond, therefore, 80% of what the devops people do is responding to requests and questions that repeat themselves in most cases. “The internal information portal (Internal Developer Portal, or IDP) automatically accesses everything an engineer needs in one place, and allows the organization to deliver 30-40% faster. Port is a saas product that allows platform teams (which many organizations are now recruiting to deal with the problem) to assemble their IDP using simple building blocks,” Eini added.

Port’s product consists of a software catalog that includes devops components that are important for the organization to see in one place (Microservices, environments, deployments, permissions, cloud resources, and more), while entering information into the catalog is made possible by using data collectors that Port offers such as Github app, k8s exporter, terraform provider , and many more. “The system is API first and allows information to flow through simple API calls that can be placed in different places in the pipelines,” says Eini. An additional layer system, which allows devops operations to be made accessible through a unified interface in order to consume various services such as creating a new microservice, adding a secret to the service, setting up a developer environment for three days or performing operations on data.

“As soon as an action is performed from the port interface, the system will export an event that the administrator subscribes to in order to realize the logic of the action behind the scenes. That is, if a developer ran a scaffold service action, Port will fire a trigger that the administrator subscribed to, will handle it by running an automation (Jenkins job) , Github action, commit to github, azure pipeline or any automation). Once the action is finished, it will update Port whether the operation was completed successfully or not, and this will be clearly reflected to the user,” he expanded.

Port was founded in 2022 by Zohar Eini and Yonatan Boguslavsky, and employs about 20 people. Today (Thursday) the startup was unveiled with a $7 million seed fund led by TLV Partners, with angels also participating in the round, including Yoav Landman, one of the founders of JFrog and the company’s CTO, and Shlomo Kramer, one of the founders of Check Point. According to the company, it already has several paying customers.

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