Shock in the neighborhood: The beloved taxi driver has passed away

by time news

The late R. Pinchas Tevet, a dedicated taxi driver in the city of Modi’in Illit, died this morning after a heartbreaking event. He was buried in the Rehovot cemetery, where he was accompanied by family and friends.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: This morning (Sunday) the late R. Pinchas Tevet from the Brachfeld neighborhood in Modi’in Illit passed away, after having a heart attack last Friday and since then his condition has deteriorated and he died this morning at the age of 55.

For a living, he worked as a taxi driver in the city of Modi’in Illit, an ‘elite taxi’ company, he was dedicated to his work and his customers at all times.

His acquaintances tell Behadrei Haredim about a special man: “He was one of the amazing people I knew, just a man who was whole-hearted.

Farewell to the driver. Photo: Itamar Kirshbaum

His funeral took place today (Sunday) at noon in the cemetery on the streets where he was buried.

During the funeral procession, the city’s residents arrived, including dozens of drivers who came to pay their last respects to him.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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