Shocked faculty member: “Woe to shame”

by time news

Knitted News23.12.21 11:24 19 Tevet Tishpev

Shocked faculty member:

(Photo: Oliver Fitoussi / Flash 90)

News 12’s political commentator, Amit Segal, posted on his Twitter account a picture of a presentation of safety procedures for IDF soldiers, stating that it is forbidden to move on foot throughout the city of Ramla.

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Segal shared the photo and wrote: “Alas for the disgrace: IDF instructions forbid soldiers to walk around Ramla on foot.” At the top of the presentation of the safety emphases it is written that this is part of a presentation of the “military rabbinate base”.

The page from the presentation published by Segal has four sections, which relate to safety procedures. The first section, which prohibits walking within the city, reads: “Do not move on foot around the city of Ramla. Only within the Central Station or by public transport.”

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After about an hour, the staff added that “the ban on soldiers walking around the city of Ramla on foot, according to an IDF spokesman: This is an old directive from the days of the wall guard. But for your information – the picture was taken yesterday at the entrance to the base.”

Israel Today journalist Yehuda Schlesinger responded to Segal’s tweet and wrote: “Unbelievable.” Another respondent wrote: “For soldiers who (apparently) have a distinctly external Jewish appearance (the military rabbinate base) which sucks even more.”

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Maariv’s political correspondent, Arik Bender, noted that these are not procedures of the army but of the military rabbinate.

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