Shockwaves in Greek Politics: Niko Moraitis Slams SYRIZA’s Internal Coup and Democratic Crisis

by time news

“Personally, I managed to close my accounts with SYRIZA before I got stained (again) by today’s day that overflowed with filth,” writes lyricist and SYRIZA supporter Nikos Moraitis in his post on “X”.

Continuing, Nikos Moraitis mentions about SYRIZA that “what happened today is not merely a party issue. It’s a matter of Democracy. For the first time in the History of the Post-Dictatorship Era, an organ of a party has deposed an elected president with 56%, just 11 months ago. Moreover, this organ comes from the electoral body of 2019, under the former President!”

The major mistakes of Kasselakis – especially his naivety and gullibility – I have pointed out. However, here we have the first internal party coup in the history of the country. Don’t search for hows and whys. One could do it. One did it.”

And Nikos Moraitis becomes more specific:

“Alexis Tsipras’ post in February about ‘new elections’. His chosen candidate. These were not proposals from an outgoing democratic leader. They were orders from an owner who found no life outside his party. Back then, they were unprepared. They had all the apparatus and all the time.”

The ghost of political life in the country. The man of backstage dealings. The great schemer. The one whom the historic leader of the French Left, Mélenchon, prophetically characterized as “one of the most miserable figures in European political life” (oh, and we didn’t realize it back then). Alexis Tsipras”.

The “chair people,” the dynasties, and the… logs

“Along with 87 little chair people, terrified by ‘I will change everything’, plus one Neanderthal, they overturn the legally elected President of a party. Personally, I apologize. For my own support, for my own gullibility. Because ‘First time Left’ was so dreamy that it swept me – as a Left citizen – into what became a nightmare. Leftists and ‘leftists’, within 4.5 years of power, turned into chair people and apologists of the System,” writes Nikos Moraitis.

And Nikos Moraitis concludes:

“An ‘American kid’ didn’t know, came, saw the curtain, said ‘What’s this?’, pulled it back, and all the stench came out. He might have paid a very high price for it, but his contribution is significant. He showed that the monster hides not only in the corrupt regime of the Right, of Mitsotakis, of Simitis, of political dynasties. It enters the Left as well, it enters wherever there is power. Kasselakis showed how in just 4.5 years of power, logs can turn into dynasties.”

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