Short course “Anthropology and Social Struggles in the Thought and Practice of Black Women” takes place on April 17, 20 and 24, at the Malês campus

by time news

The short course “Anthropology and Social Struggles in the Thought and Practice of Black Women” takes place on April 17, 20 and 24, at the Malês campus. Based on the reading of references by black intellectuals and field classes in Bahian Afro-descendant communities, this course proposes to visit/revisit the thinking and actions of black women in what is identified as crossings in Anthropology and social struggles. Entries must be made by email [email protected]. There will be 20 hours of certification for participants.

The short course is an initiative of the research project team “Black Entries in Anthropology” coordinated by Professor Maria Andrea dos Santos Soares (IHLM) and will be taught by Sônia Beatriz dos Santos, anthropologist, associate professor at the Faculty of Education – UERJ; deputy coordinator of NEAB-UERJ; professor of the Graduate Program in Education, Culture and Communication in Urban Peripheries PPGECC/FEBF-UERJ and of the Graduate Program in “Bioethics, Applied Ethics and Collective Health (PPGBIOs/UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, UERJ, UFF); and psychoanalyst in Training Institute of Psychoanalytic Training/SBPRJ.

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