Should Europe take in more refugees voluntarily?

by time news

2023-05-04 16:31:00

Last year, 16,700 people across the EU were resettled from crisis regions to the EU via the resettlement programme. With a view to a million asylum applications and the business of the smugglers, that’s not enough.

The idea is gaining more and more followers. Asylum centers at the EU’s external borders for registering migrants could defuse the recently tense migration debate, hope government representatives from various member states. Most recently, the German traffic light coalition joined in: “It’s about the fact that asylum procedures can already take place at the borders,” said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) at the beginning of the week. The processing time of the applications should not take longer than twelve weeks. According to Faeser, Germany is working together with France, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Belgium. Austria is also one of the supporters.

What to do with those in need of protection?

The plans sound promising because the asylum pressure would be shifted from the member states to the centers organized at European level. If it weren’t for the tiresome question: where to go with those people who, as those in need of protection, actually have a right to asylum in the Union? The fair distribution of refugees among the member states has been the biggest point of contention among the heads of state and government in the emotionally charged discussion for years. Eastern European countries vehemently refuse to voluntarily provide quotas for those in need of protection. Austria points to the already high number of applications in the country as the reason for its negative attitude.

#Europe #refugees #voluntarily

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