Should I brush my teeth before or after breakfast?

by time news – Is it better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast? It is the question of the questions that the New York Times asks and poses in the face of the different opinion of many dentists. After all, “everyone knows that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day”, in the morning and before going to bed, but few studies have solved the question with conflicting and limited results. So there is no definitive answer. And there are those who argue that there are pros and cons to both solutions.

“For many people, breakfast includes sugary carbohydrates,” analyzes Dr. Carlos Gonzalez-Cabezas, dentist, professor and associate dean at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Cereals, breads, muffins and pancakes all contain fermentable carbohydrates that bacteria love to feed on.

And when you get up in the morning, adds Apoena de Aguiar Ribeiro, a pediatric dentist and microbiologist at the University of North Carolina, the level of bacteria in the mouth is at the apex, so according to de Aguiar Ribeiro’s thesis, a mouth full of bacteria and a breakfast full of sugary carbohydrates means that the conditions are perfect for the growth and multiplication of bacteria and when this happens, they release acids that can wear down the protective enamel of the teeth, making them more prone to tooth decay. Therefore, according to him, “washing before breakfast eliminates bacteria, preventing us from eating food”.

Another reason for brushing teeth before breakfast is to start saliva production, according to de Aguiar Ribeiro, who “helps strengthen teeth by depositing minerals that bacteria may have consumed overnight”. Saliva contains bicarbonate which helps neutralize acidity in the mouth while the added benefit is given by toothpaste which, if it contains fluoride, “makes teeth more resistant to cavities by strengthening enamel and neutralizing breakfast acids”.

But if you want to brush your teeth after breakfast, what are the contraindications? In truth there are none, because as Dr. Gonzalez-Cabezas says there are also good reasons to wait after breakfast to intervene. If it can be summarized, the flaw is in the handle, in the way they brush their teeth: “Most people don’t brush very well”, says the dentist, and if you wash just before breakfast, “probably the bacteria in your mouth could multiply and produce acids during breakfastand and for the rest of the day you can wash after eating to minimize persistent food “, especially since” the fluoride in the toothpaste will affect better during the day if it is not eroded by chewing food immediately after using the toothbrush ” .

Then there are experts who claim that brushing your teeth too soon after a meal, especially based on acidic drinks such as coffee or orange juice, damages the enamel, although there are those who recommend, if possible, to wait at least 30 minutes afterwards. a meal to remove food leftovers.

Controversial issue, almost a puzzle. And science doesn’t help. The issue remains debated and the most certain answer is yet another question: “What habit will induce me to brush my teeth consistently?” Sooner or later, always wash yourself. And both before and after is the best solution, it is the underlying advice …

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