Should our children be grateful to us?

by time news

2023-04-17 08:37:15

Sometimes the feeling that our offspring is decidedly very ungrateful towards us emerges. pinel

PSYCHOLOGY – Being a parent sometimes means judging that our children are ungrateful. But are they only indebted to us?

“I hope – I don’t know if it’s feasible – that my children will never have any family constraints. That I will assume until the end the idea that children are made for us and not for them, that it is the most selfish act in the world. (…) In previous generations, you had to thank your parents a lot. I hope never to ask my children for a ‘thank you’”declared in 2009 to the newspaper Marie Claire the actress Marina Foïs, then mother of a 4-year-old boy and another of 6 months. A wish shared by many parents, but sometimes, points to the feeling that our offspring are decidedly ungrateful towards us. But are they only indebted to us? “Zero debt!”exclaims Élisabeth Brami, clinical psychologist, author of thanks Mom et thank you dad (Youth Threshold). “For there to be gratitude, a kid should be aware of having received life as a gift. But if he’s okay, he feels entitled to be alive and even feels like…

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