Should the baby be massaged or not, the country’s renowned doctor revealed the truth, said- ‘Kajal-oil massage is all a waste, the baby will not be beautiful and healthy’ – doctor Imran Patel busts some myths about baby care – 2024-07-12 16:55:42

by times news cr

2024-07-12 16:55:42

Many things are said about the care of newborn babies, such as massaging the baby daily strengthens its bones and muscles. Apart from this, many other things are said about the care and upbringing of the baby.

In an interview, Dr Imran Patel, founder of Asian Children’s Hospital, spoke openly about some popular beliefs about child care and told which of these things are true and which things parents should stop doing right now. If you are also a parent, then you should definitely follow the things told by Dr Imran regarding child care.

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massaging the baby

Dr Imran said that people often massage their babies thinking that it will strengthen their muscles and bones, but in reality it is not so. At this time, the baby’s skin becomes so sensitive that it is prone to allergies and skin-related problems. According to Dr Imran, massaging the baby should be avoided.

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Applying mascara

The doctor further said that people believe that applying kajal to a child’s eyes makes his eyes bigger. According to the doctor, this does not happen and the size of the child’s eyes depends on his genes. The child’s eyes remain the same as those of his parents.

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What can you feed your baby other than milk?

In this interview, the doctor was asked after what age can a child be fed other foods other than milk. To this, the doctor replied that the child should be fed something only after he is 6 months old. Experts also recommend waiting till 6 months before giving solid food to infants.

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At what age should you use toothpaste?

After this, the doctor was asked at what age a child should use toothpaste. To this, Dr. Imran replied that children should start using toothpaste after the age of three. If children dip the brush in plain water and clean their teeth with it, then doing this will be enough for them.

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At what age should a child be born?

Apart from child care, another question was asked to the doctor in this interview and that question was what is the best age for planning a baby. To this the doctor replied that the age between 22 and 26 years is the best for reproduction.

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