Should you drink the protein shake before or after training?

by time news

2023-10-19 15:06:37

Learn when to optimally drink your protein shakes: before or after your workout. Boost your performance with the best tips!

DRINK THE PROTEIN SHAKE…BEFORE TRAININGAFTER TRAININGPerformanceProvide additional energy for your training Maximize recovery and muscle protein synthesisNutrient absorptionThey stimulate muscle protein synthesis. They may be important in the context of recovery after exercise.SatietyThey help you feel fuller and more satisfiedThey can help control appetite and reduce food cravingsmuscle preservationThey may help prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism) during exercise. They help repair muscle tissue damaged during exercise, which can reduce muscle soreness and speed recovery.Optimal time to take itThey can be consumed as part of your daily diet to ensure you are meeting your protein needs. You can take them any time that fits your schedule and personal preferences.Type of trainingFor long or intense workouts. Together with carbohydrates, they can help replenish glycogen stores in the muscles and liver.

Remember that nutrition is a key pillar in the equation of progress and well-being, therefore, in this table you can review the differences between drinking the shake before or after exercise.

Pre-workout protein shakes

Drinking a protein shake before training can have several effects and benefits that can help improve your training performance and results, depending on your individual goals and needs.

Increased energy: The carbs and protein in a shake can provide a source of energy for your workout.Performance improvement: Consuming protein before exercise can help improve performance, especially in resistance training or high-intensity training. The amino acids in protein can be used as fuel during exercise, which can delay fatigue and improve performance.Catabolism: The amino acids in proteins can help prevent muscle breakdown and therefore contribute to the preservation of muscle mass.Reduction of muscle pain: Some people find that consuming protein before exercise helps reduce post-workout muscle soreness, known as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS).Glycogen replenishment: If you’re doing intense resistance training, combining protein and carbohydrates in a shake can help replenish glycogen stores in your muscles and liver, which is important for future exercise performance.Ease of digestion: Protein shakes are usually easy to digest, which can be advantageous if you don’t want a full meal before training.

How to take protein before training?

The amount of protein you should consume before training can vary depending on your individual needs and goals.

In general, a dose of between 15 to 35 grams of protein is usually adequate.

It’s important to try different options to determine which works best for you in terms of digestibility, energy, and satiety.

Also consider your specific goals and the type of training you are going to do and your lean mass, as this may influence your food choice, quantity, dosage or type of protein shakes.

Post-workout protein shakes

In addition to all the previous benefits we can highlight that:

Protein intake after exercise can stimulate muscle protein synthesiswhich means your body builds and repairs muscle tissue more efficiently.They are easy to prepare and consumemaking them a practical option for obtaining essential nutrients after training.

How to take protein after training?

To learn how to take protein after a workout, keep in mind that a protein powder shake is one of the most popular and convenient ways to get protein after a workout.

In general, One serving of protein powder provides around 20-30 or 40g grams of protein.

You can mix a serving of protein powder with water, milk, or a plant-based drink.

Most people opt for whey (whey or isolate) or casein, as they are high-quality protein sources and are digested quickly.

In what cases is it recommended to take protein during training?

In most cases, it is not recommended to consume protein during training. Nutrition during training tends to focus on hydration and carbohydrate and electrolyte replacementinstead of proteins.

However, there are specific situations In which it may be appropriate to consume protein during training:

Long-duration endurance training, such as a marathon, long bike race, or long walk.High intensity and very long workouts like CrossFit for hours.

If you are considering protein intake during training, especially in high-demand situations, it is advisable to speak with a sports nutritionist or health professional who can provide specific guidance based on your individual needs and goals.

Considerations you should take into account

Drinking protein shakes can be a great way to increase the protein intake in your diet so that it is balanced. However, there are some important considerations you should keep in mind:

Define if your goal is to gain muscle mass, lose weight, increase your protein intake…since the amount and type of protein you need may vary.Type of proteinThere are different types of protein powders, such as whey, whey or isolate, casein, soy protein, pea protein, rice protein, among others. Each type has its own characteristics and absorption rates. Choose the type that best suits your needs and preferences.Product quality: Opt for quality products, preferably trusted and well-reputed brands. Read labels or manufacturing analyzes to make sure they don’t contain unwanted ingredients, such as added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or unnecessary additives, and that the insides match what the nutrition label says.Proper dosage: Follow the dosage recommendations on the packaging or better yet consult with a professional to determine how much protein you need per day. Generally, around 20 to 40 grams of protein per shake is suggested, but this can vary depending on your individual goals and requirements.Control total consumption: Make sure you do not exceed your total daily needs, since an excess can put an additional burden on your body, in addition to more calories that you do not need and can even cause intestinal discomfort such as gas.

Below, we show you some of them that you can purchase on the web:

What are the best protein supplements for your shakes?

Evohydro: protein shake to drink before training

Evopept: protein shake to drink during training

Evopro: protein shake to drink after training


Choosing to drink a protein shake before or after training depends on your personal goals and meal schedule.

It depends on whether you aim is to increase energy and performance during training, whether you are looking to maintain a balance of nutrients and provide essential amino acids to muscles during exercise or prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism) during prolonged or intense exercise, it depends on whether your goal is recovery and muscle growth, etc.

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