SIAEL 2024: Many distinctions in perspective for the actors of the rural world | BIA

by time news

2023-08-08 20:56:09

SIAEL 2024: Many distinctions in perspective for actors in the rural world

The 7th edition of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL) organized by the Association for the Development of the Rural World (ADMR) will salute the merit of several actors of the rural world, in the evening of February 24, 2024, on the occasion of the night of awards for actors in the rural world called “Golden Kũuri”.

Agriculture, the environment and livestock are the key sectors on which the countries of the African continent should rely to propel their development. In Burkina Faso, these sectors employ 86% of the population. In order to encourage and create a healthy emulation between the actors, the ADMR is holding the SIAEL for the 7th time from February 20 to 24, 2024, in the rural commune of Komsilga, Kadiogo province, Center region.

In addition to the exhibitions, local food tasting sessions, conferences and B to B meetings, an evening of tribute to the actors of the rural world called “Kũuri d’or” is scheduled for Saturday February 24, 2024.

The ceremony will be sponsored by the first officials of Burkina Faso, and with the involvement of Technical and Financial Partners, NGOs and International Development Associations, technical ministries concerned. These are the Ministers in charge of Agriculture, Livestock and the Environment.

According to Jean Victor Ouédraogo, executive secretary of the Association for the Development of the Rural World (ADMR), promoter of SIAEL, this support of the highest authorities of Burkina Faso for the initiative, testifies to the importance and relevance of this activity which is in line with the current priorities of our socio-economic development.

Celebrate role models

According to Mr. Ouédraogo, the “golden kũuri” (which means daba in the local Moore language) is a privileged framework for rewarding the best players in the rural world, technical and financial partners involved in the sectors of agriculture, farming and the environment. “The recipients of the “Kũuri d’or” are models, examples of success that can impact other players in their respective fields,” says Jean Victor Ouédraogo. He adds that the event constitutes a mirror for each actor and arouses in him a constant need for a continuous and positive transformation of his activity.

The executive secretary of the ADMR points out that the “Golden Kũuri” includes nine (09) official prizes including three “golden kũuri”, three “silver kũuri” and three “bronze kũuri” and around twenty special prices.

Eight months from SIAEL, the ADMR is engaged in a race against time to mobilize resources in order to promote excellence in the rural world. Thus Jean Victor Ouédraogo, Commissioner General of SIAEL launches an urgent appeal to political decision-makers (government, Legislative Assembly of the Transition, special delegations, among others), to the private sector (Banks, Microfinance Institutions, Insurance, service providers of services) and to the Technical and Financial Partners. It is also counting on NGOs and international development associations, professionals in agriculture, livestock and the environment to balance the budget in relation to the 7th edition of SIAEL.

After six editions, the International Fair, Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral of Komsilga (FIKOM) changed name to become the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL). This change of name responds to the need to readjust certain aspects in order to direct the event towards a format more suited to the new scope that the promoters wish to give it.

The competitions for the selection of the best actors in the rural world are open.

You can now announce your candidacy for the Organizing Committee through the addresses below:

Tel: (00226) 76605533/ 70217140

E-mail : [email protected]


Focus on rewards

For this 7th edition of SIAEL, the awards are as follows:

1) 09 Official prices (agriculture, livestock, environment):

– le Kũuri d’or (03);

– the silver Kũuri (03);

– le Kũuri de bronze (03).

2) Rewards

a) Individual awards

– the prize for the best producer and the best producer in the field of agriculture,

– the price of the best producer and the best producer in the field of breeding,

– the prize for the best female processor of non-timber forest products.

b) Collective rewards,

– the prize for the best group (female and male) in the field of agriculture,

– the prize for the best group (male and female) in the field of breeding,

– the prize for the best processing association for non-timber forest products.

3) Special prizes for the best support actors for the development of the rural world:

the best NGO supporting the rural world; the best investor in the field of the rural world; the first region in cereal production; the first region in animal production; the first region in the promotion of NWFPs; the best exhibitor; best exhibitor; the promotion of local dishes; the prize for the diaspora in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sectors; the prize for the best technical integration of information and communication (ICT) and agro-sylvo pastoralism; the prize for best African agro-silvo-pastoral innovation; the prize for the best integration of production and environmental protection; the prize for the protection of human rights in agro-silvo-pastoralism; the best rice-growing lowlands; the best family farm.

4) Special Jury Prize

This prize is awarded to a political, economic, religious, customary figure or a civil society organization that has had a positive impact on changes in the rural world.

NB: This article is an external contribution.

#SIAEL #distinctions #perspective #actors #rural #world #BIA

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