SIBOLIVIA disbursed Bs 1,421 MM in 10,531 credit placements

by time news

2023-06-25 14:15:51

The loan contributes to the development and growth of the country’s productive units and contributes to the generation of sources of employment.

La Paz, June 25, 2023 (AEP).- The Vice Minister of Micro and Small Businesses, Nelson Aruquipa, reported yesterday that the SIBOLIVIA credit has so far directed 10,531 credit operations for a total of Bs 1,421 million.

“So far, 10,531 credits have been placed, a total amount of more than 1,421 million Bolivians has been disbursed,” the authority reported in an interview with Bolivia TV.

According to Aruquipa, Santa Cruz is the department with the largest amount of credits placed for a value of Bs 489 million.

This department is followed by La Paz with Bs 384 million; Cochabamba with Bs 304 million; Chuquisaca with Bs 87 million; Tarija with Bs 67 million; Beni with Bs 41 million; Potosí with Bs 12 million; and Oruro with Bs 28 million.

The Trust for the Reactivation and Development of the National Industry (Firedin) with Import Substitution (SIBOLIVIA) is granted by the Productive Development Bank (BDP) SAM and Banco Unión for the production of raw materials, inputs and/or manufactures.

This credit, granted by the national government since December 2020, contributes to the development and growth of the country’s productive units and contributes to the generation of sources of employment, within the framework of the import substitution industrialization policy. It has a fixed annual interest rate of 0.5%.

This is one of the first economic measures applied by the government of President Luis Arce to reactivate the economy of the national productive units, micro, small, medium and large, which were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and the decisions of the de facto regime.

Now the People Economy June 25, 2023

#SIBOLIVIA #disbursed #credit #placements

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