Siddha medicines for healthy delivery

by time news

“Doctor, if my newly wedded daughter has vomited and fainted, you should come and tell me the good news.” Or vomiting of pregnancy? The time of searching and predicting is over. From now on we can see such scenes only in Pakyaraj films. In this age of modern scientific development, it has become a routine to take a monthly test with a pregnancy test kit and confirm it yourself.

In the subsequent months of marriage, the couple was overjoyed when a double line appeared on the urine test card. The greatest joy for women is when they carry the fetus in their womb (childbirth). Motherhood is the greatest gift for them. Motherhood is the best feeling in every woman’s life. There are many physical ailments that they have to deal with during such maternity. Coping with morning sickness during the first 3 months of pregnancy is very difficult for many people.

For some people, this masakah causes nausea, nausea and vomiting throughout the pregnancy, which makes the woman suffer. This masak is formed due to an increase in the secretion of the excess hormone secreted during pregnancy, mainly beta-hCG. Married women experience delayed menstruation and this masaka can be considered as a sign of pregnancy. Even a little of the food eaten does not stay in the stomach and vomits and makes women tired. There are many people looking for a solution.

The first global warning about the use of drugs in pregnancy was the thalidomide disaster in the 1960s. Affected more than 50 countries. It is a very sad event that many babies born in Japan, Canada, Sweden and Australia were born with hand and foot defects due to this medicine prescribed for masak during pregnancy. But the simple medicine that gives them Siddha medicine is ‘Pomegranate Manapagu’.

Pomegranate has the property of reducing bile and stopping vomiting due to the combination of increased bile as predicted by Siddha medicine and this masaka. It is very safe. Notably, pomegranates contain an excess of anthocyanin pigments, which are responsible for their color. Pomegranate fruit is known by many to provide health and good nutrition. Over and above that, some studies of modern science confirm the oral message that the child born to take pomegranate juice during pregnancy will be born beautiful and intelligent.

Antioxidant polyphenolic compounds in pomegranate are beneficial for body organs and beautifying the skin. It is special that the results of studies conducted on mice say that the chemicals in it prevent injuries to the brain of the fetus during pregnancy and cause mental clarity. Studies also show that it reduces stress on the placenta and improves obstructed fertility. ‘Madhulai Manapagu’ provides so many medicinal benefits.

Apart from Pomegranate, there are many herbal remedies that are beneficial in masakai. Ginger can be boiled in water or milk from time to time to get rid of constipation. It is noteworthy that even in many foreign countries, ginger is used medicinally to control nausea and vomiting known as ‘morning sickness’. Boiling cardamom in milk can reduce vomiting. It can be used instead of tea and coffee. Drinking mint leaves as a tea can also be beneficial. During pregnancy, it is necessary to take iron tablets and safe nutritional supplements to compensate for the loss of nutrients caused by vomiting and the nutrients needed by the developing fetus.

Taking ‘Ayasenturam’ and ‘Annabedi Senturam’ tablets in Siddha medicine will give good results. Also, Gooseberry Legium, a Siddha drug, can be taken as it is a rich source of nutrients. Just like Athiyaman gave gooseberry to Avvaipati, women can also give it to their unborn child to ensure the longevity of the future offspring in the womb itself.

Also ‘Karuvepilila Suranam’ can be used as Siddha medicine. The excess iron content in it can cure anemia. Hemoglobin in the blood increases naturally by drinking a decoction of caraway leaf extract mixed with cumin and palm jaggery. Nausea and vomiting will also stop. Discomfort during pregnancy will also go away. After massaging, most pregnant women suffer from discomfort, belching, and chest irritation. Cardamom-based medicine called ‘Elathi Suranam’ will help in this.

It is beneficial to take it from time to time. And this will reduce the dark discoloration of the skin caused by hormonal changes during childbirth. It is better to avoid taking medicine for ailments like body ache, pelvic pain during pregnancy. The use of topical Siddha medicines for these pains can give good results. Internal medicine is not the only specialty in Siddha medicine. So is external medicine. In that way, ‘Uludu Thilam’ will be beneficial to strengthen the pelvic region.

It is good for pregnant women to start using it from the fifth month. A medicine called ‘Pinda Thilam’ can be used to reduce the pain. Applying Siddha medicine called ‘Kundrika Thilam’ on the abdomen will relax the muscles. Siddha medicine lists medicines to be taken separately during the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Taking them properly with the advice of a chiropractor will lead to a healthy delivery.

Conversely, those with placenta previa around the neck, high birth weight, and those who are predicted to have a high-risk delivery may also benefit from taking Siddha medications postpartum. In the last months of pregnancy, the medicine ‘Bavanapanjangula Thilam’ is very beneficial. As the uterus expands, it compresses the rectum behind it, causing constipation. That is what causes hemorrhoids in many women later. They use panchankula ointment to relieve pregnancy heat, urinary tract irritation and constipation.

And for women who have less amniotic fluid during pregnancy, medicines made from the herb called narvittan will give good results. In the modern life, it can be seen more that women who seek fast food more often get diabetes during pregnancy. Due to forgetting to follow walking training, physical training and natural diet, gestational diabetes becomes lifelong for many people.

For that, it is necessary to follow the diet, medical methods and yoga practices prescribed by Siddha medicine. Another challenging disease in that regard is ‘gestational hypertension’, which increases blood pressure during pregnancy. For this it is better to take medicine as per doctor’s advice and keep blood pressure under control.

Otherwise, it will cause pain during delivery and cause various problems for mother and child. It is generally advisable for pregnant women to practice yoga exercises as prescribed by Siddha Medicine in separate sessions every three months. This relieves the mother of mental and physical fatigue and gives her a restful sleep. The child growing in the womb will also get health.

Pranayama along with Tadasana, Uttanasana, Sethu Bandasana, Poornaditali Asana, Kattichakarasana is excellent in the first trimester. It is good to practice Tadasana, Katti Chakrasana, Vajrasana, Anantasana, Sitali Pranayama, Nadi Chutti Pranayama in the middle trimester of pregnancy. In the last three months it is good to practice Artha Tithali Asana, Purna Tithali Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, and resting postures. These lead to a healthy delivery.

During pregnancy, holding the husband’s hand and walking for a short distance will cause hormonal changes in pregnant women and will give them mental stability and happiness. It is necessary for men to understand this and share time with them in today’s hectic lifestyle. Natural food, lifestyle ethics, and many other Siddha medical systems are a well-being fund that protects us and gives us health over time. Following it will lead not only to a simple healthy delivery but also to real health.

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