Side effects after corona vaccination more often in women than in men

by time news

This is evident from the questionnaire survey conducted by the Lareb Side Effects Center among 27,540 vaccinees

Women are about twice as likely to have a side effect after a corona vaccination compared to men. This difference was greatest after the first injection and before the complaints of nausea and inflammation at the injection site.

This is evident from the questionnaire survey conducted by the Lareb Side Effects Center among 27,540 vaccinees. Of the participants, 38.5% were male and 62.5% female. The possible side effects after the corona vaccination were recorded for a period of six months.

The study also looked at the duration and burden of complaints after this vaccination. The recovery from complaints took slightly longer in women than in men. Women also indicated that they suffered more from the complaints after vaccination than men. However, these differences were small.

Read more in this Frontiers in Immunology article here.

Source: Lareb

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