SIDeMaST alarm: increased temperatures and masks, a complicated coexistence

by time news

Summer is upon us, waiting to free us from the obligation of masks as desired by the health authorities, the experts of SIDeMaST, the Italian Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases have drawn up a vademecum to encourage the difficult domestic partnership between rising temperatures and protections, between the desire to “breathe” and the obligations still imposed by the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. From the use of Ce certified masks in natural fiber to the (frequent) change and cleaning of the same, passing through a deep cleansing and hydration of the skin with delicate products to advice on nutrition, the “handbook” is dedicated to adults and children .

The heat in fact worsens the discomfort that more and more patients complain about in the skin: itching, burning, erythema, scaling of the skin and irritation. And the situation worsens if you suffer from pre-existing skin diseases such as acne, which despite being a typically adolescent disorder affects 15% of adults, or rosacea which affects more than 3 million Italians.

It is no coincidence that we speak of maskne, a term that derives from the fusion of “mask” and “acne”: Clinical Studies –explains Gabriella Fabbrocini, SIDeMaST councilor (right in the photo) – have recently shown that wearing masks continuously and for a prolonged time would exacerbate acne and / or other pre-existing or latent skin irritations. In fact, 90% of patients attribute the worsening of acne and rosacea to the use of the mask and 30% declare that the disease has developed or exacerbated due to the same. The use of the mask for many hours a day determines one occlusion that can cause alteration of the skin microbiota and therefore of the lipid film. Compared to the emergency we are experiencing, the mask constitutes a negligible side effect if we evaluate the cost-benefit ratio deriving from the use of the mask. But the effects on the skin must be taken care of and not underestimated, to avoid the tendency not to wear the mask, which is fundamental in protecting against contagion from SARS-CoV-2. I would like to emphasize that having to keep the mask on the face all day, you must be very careful when applying creams whose occlusive effect should not be neglected. Therefore, the often aggressive anti-acne therapy must be calibrated well with the dermo routine ”.

With the use of the mask, contact dermatitis also worsens, as stated by Pasquale Frascione, SIDeMaST vice president. “The drmatites they can be caused for example by the composition of the elastic or by the sensitivity to the metal used to model the mask on the nose. But they can also be attributed to inappropriate use of the mask. If we tend to use it for a very long time (over 6 hours consecutively) or to re-use it we could have allergic reactions as often traces of cosmetics containing preservatives and dyes may be present in the masks used. Or there may be traces of detergents if the mask, once washed, has not been rinsed well, or, if it has been disinfected with a detergent spray, it is not yet dry “.

Rosacea also gets worse with the use of masks: “The worsening – stresses Ketty Peris, president of the organization (left) – it is due to what we could define an “occlusive or condensing” effect, unfortunately destined to increase due to the heat, which is the primary enemy of rosacea. In fact, the water vapor produced by the breath is transformed into a liquid that cannot dry out – and therefore allows the skin to breathe – because it is actually blocked by the mask. For this reason, irritation on the face appears or worsens and, as temperatures rise in this period, the sensation of heat and discomfort also increases. It is therefore easy to understand how these conditions can lead to a worsening of rosacea “.

The vademecum developed by the dermatologists of SIDeMaST can also help to restore a healthy appearance to what the authoritative Times he defined “covidface”, That is to say a face that can grow old even five years in just six months of pandemic with accentuation of bags, dark circles, wrinkles, withered skin, dull eyes. For this reason, CE certified white masks should always be worn, in natural or hypoallergenic fabrics that can help the skin to breathe, avoiding masks in synthetic fabrics; they must be changed and washed regularly using neutral detergents or biological and hypoallergenic products; try to avoid makeup if you know you will have to wear the mask for an extended period; take the utmost care in choosing products for the cleansing and hydration routine. With the arrival of summer we must not forget a sun filter because the sun’s rays also pass through the tissues. Today there are very light spray versions that cancel the feeling of heaviness.

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