The governor of the province of Sidi Ifni, Hassan Sidki chaired the launching ceremony of this structure, which will be carried out within the framework of the third phase of the INDH (2019-2023), in particular the third program relating to the improvement of income and the economic inclusion of young people.
This project, which will be built on an area of 360 m2 for a cost of 5.5 million dirhams financed by the INDH, aims to welcome and guide young people with innovative projects, support young people in finding employment and support the creation of income-generating projects by adopting an ambitious approach that is in line with the logic of sustainable economic and human development.
The head of the Social Action Division in the province of Sidi Ifni, Nesrine Felhi, told MAP news channel (M24) that this project will constitute a meeting point for project leaders in the province and will offer a range of services for the benefit of these young people, including listening, guidance and support.
She added that this platform will be created according to modern specifications, which will replace the youth platform that currently exists in Sidi Ifni.
On this occasion, medical supplies and equipment were handed over to the maternity ward of the provincial hospital of Sidi Ifni, at a cost of 400,000 dirhams financed by the National Initiative for Human Development, with the aim of improving health services for mothers and children.
2024-09-01 05:14:16