In this book of approximately 240 pages, recently published by the publishing house “Sliki Akhawayn”, Ahmed Tahiri presents a literary work combining journalistic documentation and novelistic narration, where he recounts, in two chapters, his most important media experiences in Algeria and Lebanon (2001-2008), as well as in Bahrain (2013-2017), when he was a correspondent for the Maghreb Arab Press Agency (MAP).
A third chapter includes stories written outside the professional space, about “cruel loss” and other social problems and phenomena.
“The publication of this work is a moment of celebration for a large part of the cultural and media elite of which Ahmed Tahiri is a part,” writes Nizar Lafraoui, journalist at MAP, in the preface to the book.
The language used in the book is, “like its author”, “elegant and transparent, but piercing and piquant, overflowing with tensions betrayed by the words, the rhythm and the division of sentences and paragraphs”, underlines Mr. Lafraoui,
For his part, Ahmed Tahiri said in a statement to MAP that “literature has haunted him since childhood,” stressing that he has always been passionate about poetry and novels even before working in journalism, a world he entered by chance.
His experience as a MAP correspondent enriched his style and sharpened his pen, putting him on the lookout for events that changed the features of the Arab region on the political and social levels, referring in particular to his period as a correspondent in Algeria during the events following the “black decade” and the “natural disasters and security troubles” that accompanied it.
In the same vein, the author also recalled his media coverage of the events in Lebanon, describing it as the “peak” of his career, given the successive wars and political crises that had ravaged the country at the time.
The journalist also indicated that his media coverage in Bahrain has been characterized by a “normal cadence” due to the social and political stability, leaving him room to produce cultural reports.
Speaking about the narrative and novelistic character that distinguishes the last chapters of the book, Mr. Tahiri said that he has “freed himself from the restrictions imposed by the journalistic style”, giving free rein to his pen to paint words and images of characters he misses and a simple daily life that impacts him.
The 29th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair, organized under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, continues until May 19, with the participation of 743 exhibitors from 48 countries and UNESCO, guest of honor of the Fair.
2024-09-11 04:19:34