SIEL 2024: Journalist Karima Moual changes stereotypes about immigration through the journey of successful entrepreneurs in Italy

by times news cr

This round table, dedicated to the presentation of this book published by Luiss University (Rome), saw the presence of Halima Hadir, textile engineer and Italian-Moroccan fashion designer in Italy, as well as Yassine El Aouak, founder of the Italian company “ParkingMyCar”, two examples illustrating the successful journeys of young Moroccans in Italy, like the author of the book.

In a speech on the occasion, Ms Moual indicated that the idea of ​​publishing this book was motivated by the need to talk about the phenomenon of migration in Italy with its difficulties and policies in a way different from the image usually conveyed by foreign media.

The writer added that she chose to address this stereotypical image by talking about 11 stories of immigrants who succeeded in Italy with their own business idea, including three Moroccans, stressing that the aim is to contribute to changing mentalities and giving a positive image of immigrants within society.

She considered that the paths of these young immigrants highlight the added value of dual cultural belonging for any immigrant entrepreneur who contributes to the development of both the host and origin countries.

The journalist stressed in this sense that she was proud of her Moroccan culture and her Italian culture, and that she works to raise awareness through public debate on the positive contribution that dual belonging brings so that immigration no longer remains solely linked to tragedies.

The meeting was also an opportunity to get to know two young Moroccan entrepreneurs who have succeeded in Italy. Halima Hader, an entrepreneur in the clothing and fashion sector.

“For me, cultural duality and my identity, which mixes two different cultures, has allowed me to benefit from all that is good in both,” said Halima Hadir, before adding that living between two worlds “makes us stronger and offers us greater opportunities, and not the other way around.”

An opinion shared by the young entrepreneur, Yassine Al Aouak, who believes that the duality of knowledge and culture allows young immigrants to innovate better compared to someone who has lived in a single culture, citing the foreign origins of the founders of the largest technology firms in the world.

Regarding his app “ParkingMyCar”, he explained that it is a unique concept similar to Airbnb, allowing customers to rent their private space to other customers who need it to park their cars. His growing business is soon expanding to other European markets.

The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) is participating in the 29th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL), which continues until May 19, with a program under the theme “writing Morocco, telling the world”.

This program is developed around four axes with around thirty activities in the presence of more than sixty speakers from Morocco, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Qatar and Germany.

2024-09-12 05:09:37

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