SIEL-2024: Rich and positive results for the common pavilion of seven constitutional bodies

by times news cr

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), the Institution of the Ombudsman of the Kingdom (IMR), the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA), the Competition Council (CC), the National Authority for Integrity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption (INPPLC) and the National Commission for the Control of Personal Data Protection (CNDP) took part in this pavilion, according to a joint press release from the seven institutions and bodies.

The joint pavilion hosted 59 meetings and activities and presented a hundred publications from the seven institutions in Arabic, Amazigh, French, English, Spanish and in sign language and Braille, notably on the IMR stand, underlines the same source, adding that more than 2600 pupils, students, researchers, journalists, civil servants from public administrations and establishments and local authorities, civil society actors and the general public participated in the proposed activities and interacted with the 105 invited speakers from Morocco and 9 countries.

The participation of the INPPLC thus constituted a new opportunity to promote the values ​​of probity among different audiences and to highlight the progress made in terms of objective knowledge of the phenomenon of corruption, as well as the challenges and prospects of the transition to a new era in terms of prevention and the fight against corruption, it was noted.

According to the press release, this presence made it possible to shed light on the constitutional missions of the Authority, the strategic framework that frames its action, as well as the related institutional ecosystem. In addition, as part of strengthening its interaction with citizens and institutional convergence and complementarity with other actors, the Authority announced the launch of its new institutional portal, the National Integrity Portal and the digital platform for receiving reports of acts of corruption.

For its part, the EESC focused its participation in this edition on exchange and interaction with visitors to the Fair around its missions, activities and work, the same source specifies, continuing that on its stand, the Council presented its opinions and reports and organised meetings, in particular one on “limiting the spread of fake news”, led by the President of the EESC, as well as others on “the development of the blue economy” and “the promotion of reading”, led by the members of the Council.

The IMR, which placed its presence at SIEL under the theme “the Institution of the Mediator of the Kingdom, an open book on dialogue”, proposed a rich communication program, including a series of interactive meetings around its constitutional roles, its missions, its services and the results of its annual reports, it is reported.

In this sense, the scientific seminars organized highlighted the roles of the Institution, particularly with regard to institutional mediation in the framework of new public management and the contribution of the Institution to the evaluation of public policies, its powers and its interventions in matters of governance and regulation of public services, the application of the rule of law and the application of the principles of justice and equity.

Executives were also mobilized throughout this period to welcome and direct visitors wishing to file complaints with the Institution, with the representations closest to their place of residence, via electronic services or the e-WASSIT mobile application.

As for the CCME’s programming on the theme “Writing Morocco; telling the world”, it is added, it reveals the great diversity and vitality of the literary and intellectual production of Moroccans from around the world who express themselves and write in the different languages ​​of the world.

From novels to cinema and theatre, the debates and discussions raised current societal issues in Morocco and in the countries of residence, particularly on racism, discrimination, rejection of others and migration policies, the press release said, stressing that they shed light on the challenges to be met and demonstrated the contribution and involvement of these talents from all sides, artists, novelists, researchers, journalists, and community actors in building a better world.

The stand set up by the HACA, for its part, experienced intense activity and helped foster constructive dialogue with visitors, it was noted, noting that the program proposed by the institution focused its activities on two major themes, namely the popularization and illustration of the purposes of independent media regulation, as well as awareness of the use of audiovisual and digital media.

Throughout the ten days of the SIEL, HACA executives led twelve presentations and interactive workshops and supervised the various activities of the stand, through interactive terminals and by organizing, for visitors, particularly schoolchildren and young people, several information and popularization sessions focused mainly on the authority’s responsibilities in terms of protecting young people, promoting the right to information, and obligations to respect human rights principles by publishers of national radio and television services.

Furthermore, the Competition Council’s participation in the Show is part of its openness to its environment and its efforts to raise awareness of the importance of the principles of free and fair competition, the press release states, stressing that this presence was an opportunity to interact with the public, specialists and researchers on issues related to competition, and to present the Council’s attributions, organization, activities and significant achievements.

In addition to the presentation of annual opinions and reports, the Council’s stand provided an opportunity to answer visitors’ questions and provide clarification on its action in the fight against anti-competitive practices, the control of economic concentration operations, as well as on referrals, ex officio referrals and its consultative activities, it added.

Finally, the presence of the CNDP was an opportunity to present the missions and values ​​of the institution to the general public. To this end, citizens of different age groups and from different regions of the Kingdom visited its stand, allowing them to ask the necessary questions to learn more about the institution, the rights guaranteed by Law No. 09-08 to the persons concerned and the obligations relating to data controllers under said law.

The “DATA-TIKA” program was also highlighted, demonstrating the CNDP’s commitment to supporting compliance of public institutions, businesses, associations and NGOs and their ecosystems in terms of personal data protection.

At the same time, the Commission has set up a diverse and rich programme around the subjects of the protection of personal data and privacy, including conferences organised for the benefit of citizens and interactive workshops targeting children/adolescents.

Through their joint presence in the same pavilion, the seven aforementioned bodies wished to strengthen their visibility, promote the culture of citizenship and foster dialogue with the public. This initiative, which is part of a perspective of coherence and complementarity of the areas of competence of the different institutions and bodies, allowed the public of the Show to learn about the roles and missions assigned to them and to familiarize themselves with their operating methods and the results of their activities.

2024-09-10 09:25:31

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