SIEL pays tribute to the distinguished career of writer Aïcha Belarbi

by times news cr

2024-07-11 22:42:49

During a meeting on the distinguished career of this writer, the speakers highlighted the importance of the subjects and questions that Ms. Belarbi explores through her works, in particular the education of girls, human rights, gender equality and migration.

They also stressed that Aïcha Belarbi represents one of the prominent figures of Moroccan literature who played an important role in the movement for women’s rights in the Kingdom, as well as in promoting feminine and inclusive writing at the national and international level.

Through her various roles as diplomat, university professor, sociologist, writer and activist, Ms. Belarbi has been able to make a real contribution and breathe new life into Moroccan literature, they said, adding that her in-depth reflections on issues relating to the situation of women in Morocco have greatly contributed to the liberation of female voices.

In a statement to the press, Ms. Belarbi said she was very happy and honored by this tribute within the framework of this literary event which highlights the work and contributions of a large number of Moroccan writers, emphasizing the important role of SIEL in the promotion of literature, particularly among Moroccan youth.

“Literature is an escape, a projection into the future world and states of mind which are expressed,” noted Ms. Belarbi in this sense, indicating however that what has most marked her career is political work which requires training, investment and availability.

Regarding the situation of women in the Kingdom, she stressed that over the years there have been great achievements but there is still a long way to go, explaining that she aspires for all women to be able to consolidate their place on the political, economic and social scene.

A university professor and sociologist, Aïcha Belarbi has several works to her credit, including “Couples en question”, “Corps au Féminin”, and “Femmes et Islam”. She also has several other publications to her credit, including “Vie en vers”, “Impressions, Expressions”, “Longue traversée” and “Le soleil se lève la nuit”.

An activist for Moroccan women’s rights since the mid-1970s, she was a member of the alternating government between 1998 and 2002, and Morocco’s ambassador to the European Union, then international commissioner at the International Organization for Migration between 2004 and 2006.

Placed under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI and organized by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in partnership with the Wilaya of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region, the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region and the Municipality of Rabat, the 29th edition of SIEL saw the participation of 743 exhibitors representing 48 countries, with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as guest of honor.

2024-07-11 22:42:49

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