Sigi Wolf defends René Benko: “Informers and insidiousness”

by time news

Manager and entrepreneur Siegfried Wolf sees the founder of the insolvent Signa, René Benko, as a victim of “informers and insidiousness”. “My friend sleeps well because my friend hasn’t done anything wrong,” he says when asked by society reporter Dominic Heinzl.

Manager Siegfried “Sigi” Wolf holds his friend René Benko the loyalty. He is not to blame for this largest bankruptcy in Austrian history.

When society reporter Dominic Heinzl asked about the Signa bankruptcy and his friend at the Jägerball, Wolf said: “My friend sleeps well because my friend didn’t do anything wrong.

“The Press” is to blame

Benko did a lot for Austria, for the construction industry and invested a lot, said Wolf. The bankruptcy was “through no fault of our own,” “The press” is more to blamesaid Wolf. “We have seen very often that the press makes judgments and the judge carries them out,” said the manager who is currently in the Eurofighter case investigated for money laundering becomes.

He warns of the “responsibility of the responsible media, journalists and, above all, politicians” – that is, everyone except René Benko.

Heinzl asks the multimillionaire whether he wants to and can help Benko. Wolf hesitates: “You just have to think, right?” He wanted to help at least “so that the truth comes to light and that the… Informers and insidiousness are a bit neglected become”.

“Heinzl and the VIPs” is also on Joy’s to see. The René Benko case will be discussed in “Heiß Umfehdet” – at 8 p.m. on PULS 24 and then on Joy’s.

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