sign of kindness

by time news

2023-04-23 08:06:37

Symbol of humanitarian service, of immediate help to those who need it and of solidarity regardless of creed, ethnicity, nationality, economic level or social condition is the red cross on a white background, emblem of the humanitarian institution of the same name that this year commemorates a century of providing services in Guatemala through emergency responders, medical attention, nutritional aid and promotion of a culture of peace.

The seed of the Red Cross arose under the inspiration of the Swiss merchant Henri Dunant, who in 1858 organized a group of volunteers to help the wounded in the bloody battle of Solferino, Italy, regardless of the side to which they belonged. Dunant wrote the testimony of that experience, which was crucial for the creation of the first Committee of the Red Cross. This symbol was chosen in allusion to the Swiss flag, with a red background, due to its wide visibility, as a safe-conduct for lifeguards. Fourteen countries agreed to the foundation of the entity on October 14, 1863.

Currently, the International Red Cross works in 190 countries, in a huge variety of help tasks, not only hospitals, but different social supports, maternity, child protection, shelter for migrants, care in refugee camps, management of risks, conflict mediation and many more. Indeed, it is one of the institutions with the greatest credibility, above all because of its always neutral spirit, focused on philanthropy.

Undoubtedly, the greatest key to the success of this mission is the voluntary nature of the entity, which, in turn, is strengthened by the seven fundamental principles valid in every country where it is present, either as a Red Cross or a Red Crescent. : Humanity, to cooperate for the good of others; Impartiality, to relieve those who need it; Neutrality in any context of confrontation, fight or controversy that causes victims; Volunteering, to act selflessly; Unity, to act coherently and efficiently; Independence and Universality, having a presence almost all over the globe with the same purpose: to relieve those who suffer.

Although the anniversary of the international recognition of the Guatemalan Red Cross is celebrated on August 15, the commemorations practically begin on May 8, the name day of its founder, Henri Dunant, who was born in 1828. More than just an anniversary, it is about exalting the altruistic spirit of a person who, instead of taking polarizing positions, judging with prejudices or choosing convenience, stood next to the victims of all violence, the mourners, the orphans, something that for certain people today is makes it difficult, if not impossible, given the level of their grudges and mental pigeonholing. Fortunately, the concrete testimony of entities such as the one in question subsists.

Nothing more global than human brotherhood and nothing more international than the authentic sense of compassion for the other. Only empathy can save us from barbarism, especially in times of dangerous warlords with messianic airs who want to impose their whims with blood and fire. With everything and the bloody consequences, the red cross on a white background continues to wave.

#sign #kindness

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