Signs of your car that indicate that something is wrong

by time news

2023-06-17 21:00:02

“This new witness will disappear over the days” or “the car takes longer to react but it is surely because of the years” are some of the common phrases that can be used to delay going through the workshop. However, vehicles often give clues that something is wrong and, precisely, newer cars still detect it more easily thanks to the many technological advances they include.

Specific, there is no regulation that includes how these symbols should be and, therefore, they will vary from one brand to another. Fortunately, the most important ones are usually similar. Color is usually key and will determine the severity. For example, red lights usually indicate a serious fault. In this case, it is recommended to stop the vehicle as soon as possible. Call insurance or a tow truck and take it to a workshop. From Norauto it is indicated that there are some witnesses that are also red and that, however, it does not mean that there is a fault. This is the case of the seat belt. It is colored red because of its importance. However, it reflects that some occupant is not wearing it fastened. The ‘P’ warning light is also red, indicating that the handbrake is on. Conversely, a bottle with a red drop may mean that the engine oil pressure is low and therefore the vehicle must be stopped immediately. It is also usually red if there is overheating in the coolant.

If they are yellow or amber, they usually indicate a system failure. Here, it is advised to also take the car to a workshop as soon as possible. Burnt out bulbs, low tire pressure, lack of fuel or problems with engine management are some of the indicators that can be found in yellow. If, on the contrary, the witnesses are white, green or blue, it is information, but they do not usually show faults. In any case, and in the event of any light on, from Norauto it is recommended check the car manual and when in doubt go to a workshop.

Sounds that are not the usual

Cars emit noise while driving. However, if an unusual sound is detected, it may mean that there is a problem or malfunction. It must also be taken into account that electric vehicles hardly emit sound. For this reason, they have the acoustic warning system (AVAS), so that other users can be aware of their presence.

Depending on what noise is heard, when and where it comes from, it can have meaning. For example, if the noise is emitted when changing gears, it may be that the gears have too much backlash or that the bearings are worn. There may also be a low transmission fluid level. If the noise is only heard when braking and stops when the brake pedal is released, it may be due to worn brake pads. On the contrary, if noises are heard in the engine, it is best to turn off the vehicle and call a tow truck. It can be little or a lot but the best thing is to prevent.

Color of the smoke coming from the exhaust pipe

Of course, these are diesel and gasoline cars. However, the color can give clues as to the type of fault. If the smoke is white and thick when starting, it may indicate that there is an incorrect setting of the injection system in the case of diesel cars. If you do not have an injection pump, it may be due to a poor condition of a preheater. It can also be due to a blockage in the oil or gasoline exhaust pipe. If the smoke is white but not very thick, it may be normal.

On the contrary, if the smoke is blue or gray, it may be due to various faults such as wear of the valve guide seals or the turbo. The head gasket may also be in bad condition or there may be a leak in the cooling system. In any case, the car must be taken to the workshop. And if the smoke is black but only when accelerating, it may be due to poor diesel combustion. There is no problem if it only occurs when accelerating hard. If this continues to happen later, you should go to the workshop.


Although sight is essential when it comes to detecting faults, smell can also give you some ideas. It is about identifying those odors that may be more chemical. For example, if the gray smoke coming from the tailpipe smells sweet, it may be that the coolant is burning. Do you smell burning rubber under the hood? It may be because some component is burning. You may also smell burning oil if there is burning lubricant or a gearbox problem. If it smells like a rotten egg, it may be coming from the exhaust because of a problem with the catalytic converter. The prolonged smell of fuel usually indicates a leak from the tank or from the injectors, while if it smells like candy, it may be due to a coolant leak.

The car does not react well

In short, they are abnormal sensations or behaviors of the vehicle. Does the car jerk? It may be due to fuel injection problems, gearbox problems, an EGR valve in bad condition, an electrical problem or a catalytic converter that is not in good condition. It could also be because the filters are clogged.

If, on the contrary, the car loses power when accelerating, it could be due to a problem with the injectors, the turbo or even an air filter in poor condition. If the car has trouble starting, it may be due to a problem with the battery or the starter motor. It can also be due to a fault in the alternator or a failure in the spark plugs of gasoline cars or the heaters in diesel cars.

#Signs #car #wrong

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