Silica: what is it for? Benefits and How to Take it

by time news
  • Silica is important for the formation of collagen fibers and contributes to bone mineral density, improving bone health.
  • Silica is also beneficial for skin and hair health by contributing to the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Silica has natural anti-inflammatory properties and may help prevent cognitive decline related to aluminum buildup in the brain.

The Silica or also known as silicon dioxide (since it is a combination of silicon and oxygen – SiO2), it is a mineral found in nature mainly in water, rocks, or even in the sand on the beach.

It is mainly used for the skin, hair and nailsas well as for the joints and bones.

Silica Properties

  • Prevent bone loss: Silica plays an important role in the formation of collagen fibers, which contributes to optimizing the Bone mineral density. In this sense, it has important properties on the Bone Matrix, since it can also promote the creation of new bone cells: the osteoblasts. And this because it inhibits the proliferation of other destructive cells that break down the bones: the osteoclasts.

Silicon benefits connective and tendon tissues.

Although this bone breakdown is a normal part of physiology, silica could be used to counter certain diseases that increase the rate of bone breakdown.

  • skin health: As regards the production of collagen that we have discussed before, silicon is also involved in the synthesis of another important component: elastin. Its main function is to give elasticity to the skinin addition to maintaining the hydration and therefore smoothness Of the same.
  • strengthen hair: in terms of hair health, silica contributes to the production of keratinwhich is very important for the health of the hair and for avoid his fall.

silicon for hair

Silicon can help improve the appearance of the skin and scalp.

  • Prevent cognitive decline: a little-known function of silicon, and that is that studies relate it to the fact that it can chelate with existing aluminum in the body and reduce those levels. An excessive accumulation of aluminum – in the brain – is associated with potentiating cognitive decline in older adults.

Silicon possesses potentially important properties for neurological health.

  • natural anti-inflammatory: another great quality is that silicon is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, which can combat the state of chronic low-grade inflammation, and that is related to signs of aging. Unlike drugs used for this purpose (NSAIDs), the use of silicon for this purpose is harmless and will not degenerate into other side effects associated with drugs.

How to take Silica supplements

At HSN we have products with high bioavailability silica:

Orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4) must be stabilized to avoid its polymerization in polysilicic acids and, ultimately, in silica gel, with the consequent decrease in the bioavailability of silicon. This problem has been solved in the field of pharmaceutical technology through the use of choline chloride in an aqueous glycerol solution, giving rise to the formulation known as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA).

At HSN we have products with this highly bioavailable component:

HSN Silicon

The daily dose has not been established, but based on the maximum safe intake level (MAL) it can be estimated at 700 mg/day for adults, which is equivalent to 12 mg silicon/kg body weight/day for an adult of 60 kg.

These figures refer to the amorphous form of silicon dioxide and only small amounts of silicon (as H4SiO4) are actually released in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and subsequently absorbed into the systemic circulation.

The HSN product provides 10mg of Silicon from 15.2mg of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, making it completely safe.

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