Silver Line talk: Opposition: Nominal, discussion healthy | Kerala | Deshabhimani

by time news

Opposition groups called for a boycott of the Silver Line debate, citing differences over the plan. The media coverage of those who came to support and those who opposed is unrealistic. Even RVG Menon, who opposes the standard-gauge project, did not argue that the Silver Line would tear Kerala apart or be unnecessary. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. None of them opposed the plan.

Explaining the policy and experience of the Railways, Rita said that the Railways was not ready to complete the curve of the existing track or build two new tracks on broad gauge. Rail Board member Subodh Kumar Jain said.

The Railways is proposing to construct a standard gauge passage as PPP. The space for social impact study should be measured and positioned. The K-Rail can determine if a stone or something else is sufficient. Subodh Kumar replied to those who were propagating that the expenditure was understated and would be Rs 1.5 lakh crore. Material prices vary depending on the length of construction. This was also calculated in the DPR.

Rising prices and measures to avoid environmental problems could lead to a 20 per cent increase. He said the DPR was satisfactory.

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