Silvio Berlusconi and the politics of scandal, from the ‘bunga bunga’ to the courts

by time news

2023-06-12 20:54:11

There was a time when Silvio Berlusconi, who died this Monday, June 12 at the age of 86, believed he was all-powerful. Photo: EFE

There was a time when Silvio Berlusconiwho died this Monday June 12 at the age of 86, it was believed almighty. Las urns smiled at himbusiness too and ended up involved in endless controversies summed up in two already popular words: “Bunga Bunga”, a euphemism that hides what happened at his famous parties.

Berlusconi’s life took a turn in 1994 when he contested the general elections at the head of the right. His triumph would mark the beginning of three governments (1994-1995, 2001-2006 y 2008-2011) and the establishment of an indisputable role.

The “had arrived”alligator” of Italian politics, to use the term with which the filmmaker Nanni Moretti baptized him, an animal always ready for battle against his many and growing rivals and who made scandal a true way of life.

An atypical knight

While Berlusconi, decorated “Knight” of Labor in 1977, lashed out mercilessly against his adversaries in order to stay in power, he had a hectic private life on which rivers of ink were poured into magazines and newspapers from half the planet.

In 1964 he married Carla Dall’Oglio with whom he had two children, Marina and Pier Silvio, but in 1980 he would meet his second wife, the actress Verónica Lario, whom he married ten years later and had three other offspring, Bárbara, Eleonora and Luigi.

the relationship with her lasted until 2009when Lario began a bloody legal battle for a multimillion-dollar pension initially stipulated at a whopping three million a month, later reduced to a million and a half and knocked down by the Supreme Court two years ago.

After 30 years of relationship and 19 of marriage, the actress dedicated a lapidary phrase to him: “I can’t be with a man who dates minors“. In Italy and the world everyone commented on the controversial parties that he organized and that would mean his political ruin.

¿Fiesta or elegant scenes?

His mansions were the center of a social life in which there was never a lack of stunning young women in search of a contact or a contract in his television emporium, especially his villa in Arcore, on the outskirts of Milan (north). It was in this lavish residence that Berlusconi got into a mess that would follow him forever: the “Ruby case“.

This was the nickname of the Moroccan Karima El Mahroug, with whom the tycoon had sexual relations when he was a minor. The girl was arrested for theft in 2010 in Milan and Berlusconi tried to free her, claiming that she was the niece of the then Egyptian president. Hosni Mubarak. Knowing this pressure, the Prosecutor’s Office accused him of abuse of power and prostitution of minors.

His nightmare began. In June 2013 the tycoon was sentenced to seven years in prison and disqualified from public office, although it was acquitted on appeal. The Supreme Court confirmed his acquittal in 2014, considering that he did not have to know his age, but certified that prostitution was practiced in his villas.

the hours of Audiences brought out the shame of the tycoon and to his powerful friends, revealing orgies with girls that he downplayed on more than one occasion, calling them “elegant dinners.”

It was him “Flowers Flowers“, the term that Berlusconi copied from his friend, the Libyan dictator Gaddafi, to refer to these sex sessions, as revealed by Ruby herself, currently in a golden retreat.

Of the “Ruby case“Several processes emerged to clarify whether the politician bought the silence of the girls who had to testify. These explosive women were dubbed the “Olgettine”, because when they went to parties they lived in a building on Via Olgettina in Milan, at their own expense. paid, yes.

But Berlusconi was acquitted of all of them.

At that time, the chief, revolving around his second divorce, started a relationship with a “showgirl” Neapolitan, Francesca Pascale, almost 50 years younger than himly with whom he would be until 2020. They did not marry, but when they broke up he assigned him a salary of one million a year.

twilight of the alligator

Berlusconi, owner and lord of Italian politics for almost 20 years to the despair of the left, already knew that part of his life would be in the courts and he denounced a “persecution”.

On August 1, 2013, his first and only final convictionthat of “Mediaset case“, accused of tax fraud and that was worth a firm sentence of one year in prison that he did work for the community in a nursing home.

But it also meant one of the most disastrous moments of his life: his expulsion from the Senate and the resignation of the title of “Knight“.

The endless history of scandals and trials of Berlusconi, bordered by commented aesthetic operations and the bloody memory of his attack with a figurine from the cathedral of Milan in 2009, it ended up reducing him to a practically irrelevant character in politics.

His weight as an octogenarian leader of the Italian right was reduced to a minimum by the rise of the new populist promises, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, coalition allies.

Berlusconi leaves behind a multi-million dollar empire, many unfinished trials, an indelible memory and a girlfriend, the deputy Marta Fascina, 32 years and more than half a century younger than him.

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