SIM Carabinieri of Venice reports the inadequate food treatment reserved for colleagues in the canteen of the Legion CC Friuli Venezia Giulia

by time news

The Provincial Secretariat of the SIM Carabinieri of Venice expresses its disappointment and indignation for the unacceptable food treatment reserved for the soldiers of the public order company of the IV Battalion of the Veneto Carabinieri, during their off-site service in Friuli. In particular, during an afternoon shift, the soldiers went to the refectory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Legion Command to consume their first ordinary meal, finding the total absence of some dishes included in the menu of the day, including grilled meat and cold cuts. At the end of the shift, during the second ordinary meal, the situation was repeated with the lack of cold cuts, replaced by a limited assortment of cheeses and a vegetable strudel. The latter, however, proved inedible, with greensburnt ure and withholdings from colleagues of very poor quality. The staff of the contractor justified the situation by citing problems in the supply of products and related delays, but no explanation was provided regarding the inedible strudel. This episode is only the latest in a series of food problems that occur within our Administration, and which often go unreported for various reasons. The Provincial Secretariat SIM Carabinieri of Venice considers it unacceptable that the rights of the military are trampled on in this way, and strongly calls for an immediate resolution to this seemingly never-ending problem. Our trade union organization has always had as its objective the defense of the rights of our members and others, and will continue to firmly denounce all non-compliance that occurs to the detriment of the staff. It is essential that those responsible for ensuring the well-being of the military act urgently to resolve this situation, so that adequate and dignified food treatment is ensured for our Carabinieri. The Provincial Secretariat SIM Carabinieri of Venice will continue to monitor these issues, with the aim of protecting the rights of the military and ensuring that these serious shortcomings are not ignored in general indifference.


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