Simone’s card, the invisible politicians, the PT’s omission – Manoel Afonso

by time news

2023-11-03 14:44:00

INVISIBLE: They were elected to the state parliament or the National Congress due to opportunistic circumstances and speeches. But they do not correspond to the desires of the ‘audience’. The years pass and they disappear without showing anything concrete or productive. Worse: they blame the system for the failure. They? They’re out there.

‘BLIND & DEAF’: PT’s state and federal deputies focused on the 2024 elections and ignored the damage caused by the Tax Reform. MS will be the penultimate on the list of recipients of “compensatory” resources for the end of PIS, Cofins, ICMS and ISS. The episode recalls the alienation of the Titanic’s commander in the face of the iceberg threat. He gave what he gave.

CLAIM: Governor Eduardo Riedel has already “drawn his sword” to fight against the Planalto and even called on colleagues from affected states to reverse this policy. You see: only the Federal District will be more harmed in the distribution of resources whose criteria are discriminatory and unfair for MS – a large food producer.

EXPLAINING: The good situation of our State is not the result of chance. The previous government did its homework, cut back on meat and even generated complaints. The tax reform criteria that are proclaimed are harmful to our pace of development. For example, we will have the end of tax incentives. We will lose our autonomy.

TRENDING: Presiding over ALEMS, deputy Gerson Claro (Progressistas) has established himself as a new influential protagonist in the political framework. Skilled, he knows how to manage divergences due to political interests, avoiding crises and creating a favorable environment for the approval of proposals authored by the Executive. That counts a lot

ZERO STAKE: This silence from CCR MS Via and ANTT after the TCU authorized the renegotiation of the BR-163 concession is strange. Outraged, and with his usual calm, deputy Junior Mochi (MDB) demands the disclosure of his details, of the concessionaire’s obligations in the mysterious document. Now! The parliament and the MS Executive have the right to know what was renegotiated. There you have it!

THE QUESTION: With its application present in the most different sectors of activity, will the so-called artificial intelligence end up dumbing down human beings? The calculator, Waze (finds addresses) and ChatGPT (answers questions) are examples. What will our cognitive development capacity be like? if we no longer need to reason?

RESURRECTION? The resumption of work on the fertilizer plant in Três Lagoas would be – in theory – a move by Minister Simone Tebet (MDB) to try to improve her political situation here in MS. On social media there is criticism of the former senator for her action in favor of a financial loan to help the current Argentine government, a partner of Palácio do Planalto, at the polls.

THREE LAGOONS: It resonates with the recent survey by Instituto Ranking, which registered Mayor Ângelo Guerreiro’s approval with 87%. Doctor and councilor Cassiano Maia (PSDB) leads for mayor with 26.03%, followed by councilor Sayuri Baez (REP) with 12.4% and tax auditor Fabrício Venturoli (União Brasil) with 9.2%. Former deputy Eduardo Rocha (MDB) has the highest stimulated rejection (10.2%) for the position of mayor.

WHITE HAIR: IBGE shows the oldest country. In 10 years it jumped from 30.7 to 55.2 – in other words – we have 55.2 elderly people for every 100 children aged 0 to 14. It is not enough to create ease of movement and priority laws. These people don’t just want that. Desires social recognition, opportunities to live in harmonious environments.

LOW BLOW: There is prejudice against the elderly at work. Voluntary dismissal programs (generous at first glance) for people in their sixties aim to rejuvenate business environments. Companies should value the experience that generates productivity and harmony. The film ‘A Gentleman Intern’ (Robert De Niro) focuses on this theme. I recommend.

BORDERLESS: It is worth remembering the high aging of the MS population after its creation. In the 1980 census, the group of people between 0 and 14 years of age was 40.8% of the population and in the last census it fell to just 22%. As for the group of people aged 65 and over, it jumped from 2.9% in 1980 to 9.6%. We don’t have the ‘elixir of youth’.

‘EUREKA’: The Federal Government ‘concluded’ that combating violence in Rio involves combating arms/drug trafficking in MS. Still in the 2006 elections, Geraldo Alckmin walked along the border and even took photos at an abandoned police station with bullet holes. Afterwards, the situation only got worse. Now, Do we believe in change?

‘ANYTHING GOES?’ Given the atmosphere still in the election hall in Dourados, some observers joke: ‘certain candidacies could end up being decided in the best UFC style’. It would be a ‘must’. Based on the protagonists’ statements, it can overcome the surrealism of the last elections. Ari Artuzzi didn’t appear by chance. Dourados is not easy.

MACHADO DE ASSIS: Our greatest writer started as a reporter in the Senate. He learned a lot from two great artists: Quintino Bocaiuva (chief editor) and Saldanha Marinho (director). Already at that time he concluded that there were few differences in the character of conservative and liberal senators. To this day, this conclusion is still the same. Only the senators’ acronyms and IDs changed.

‘PINGOS NOS IS’: Between 2000 and 2022, the extreme poverty rate rose from 29.1% to 8.4% of the world’s population, a number that proves the victory of capitalism over communist options (Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea) that only produced deaths and misery. Yet more and more young people from developed countries are seduced by the siren song of socialism. There is no free lunch!

GIFT! The role of deputy governor is not easy when the governor has light, muscle and lives up to expectations. In the case of vice governor José Carlos Barbosa, his vision, administrative versatility and his good contact with the political class count a lot. In fact, I only hear praise about him when completing the most different missions. It takes 10 with flying colors.

WANTED: The inevitable comparison: while there are constant reports in the media about the release of resources through actions by Senator Nelsinho Trad (PSD), we do not see anything similar from Senator Soraya Thronicke (Podemos). For municipalities, parliamentary amendments return votes, generate progress and prestige. Is Soraya aware of her electoral finiteness? It went too far.


Zelensky and Netanyhahu ask Lula to cease fire in Rio de Janeiro (on the internet)

In Brazil, there is a surplus of census and a lack of sense (on the internet)

The academic training that most employs today: appointment.

It’s not just the law that doesn’t stick with us. The Theory of Evolution, for example, didn’t work here either. (Carlos Castelo)

The absolute truth / Only in case / Of last need. (Millor)

People distrust what they understand, distrust what they like. (Nelson Rodrigues)

Diplomacy: the patriotic art of lying for your country. (Ambrose Bierce)

#Simones #card #invisible #politicians #PTs #omission #Manoel #Afonso

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