Simple 60-second Noah’s Ark Language Test Can Tell If Your Headache Is A Brain Tumor

by time news

A SIMPLE 60 second test could tell if a person’s headache is caused by a brain tumor.

One of the many signs of a brain tumor, headaches can often be resolved until the disease progresses.


But a simple language test, devised by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, could diagnose brain tumors earlier.

It asks participants to name as many animals as possible in 60 seconds – hence the name the “Noah’s Ark” test.

One study analyzed its efficacy in 270 people.

Those with brain tumors were found to have significantly lower scores than those with headaches who had no tumor.

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The test is already being used in assessing cognitive function in patients with neurological disorders, including brain tumors.

But researchers say this is the first time it’s been explored as a way to speed up diagnosis.

Earlier diagnosis can provide access to treatments and maximize quality of life.

However, further research is needed to validate and optimize the test.

dr. Paul Brennan, a neurosurgeon consultant at Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital who led the study, said the first symptoms people with brain tumors experience are often “non-specific.”

He said: “The first symptoms that patients with a brain tumor experience are often non-specific, such as headaches, where a non-tumor diagnosis is much more likely.

“For example: for every 1,000 people who visit a GP with a headache, only one or two will develop a brain tumor.

“Our research showed that a simple language test, which can be administered quickly and easily, can help GPs decide who is most likely to have a brain tumor.

“Symptomatic patients with low scores could be prioritized for rapid imaging, while other patients with high scores could be monitored as they are more likely to improve.

“Our findings are important in demonstrating proof-of-concept and we now need to validate this test in a larger group of patients to prove whether it can help refer suspected brain cancer.

“Reducing the time to diagnosis for people with brain tumors remains critical because it means faster access to treatment, which is critical to maximizing patients’ quality of life.”

Heather Dearie, 35, from Ayrshire, was diagnosed with a late-stage brain tumor and hopes the Noah’s Ark test will save others from her nightmare.

Over the course of 18 months, Ms. Dearie visited her primary care physician more than 10 times with symptoms.

She was eventually told she had a brain tumor from an acoustic neuroma, but by then she had to have emergency surgery to relieve pressure on her brain from a buildup of fluid.

Ms Dearie said: “This could be a very important step forward.

“We urgently need to find new tools to support GPs and I really hope this test will speed up the diagnosis process and enable more people to get the treatment they need as quickly as possible.

“Had my brain tumor been diagnosed earlier, my life could have changed completely and I would have had little to none of the lifelong side effects I have now.

“I was misdiagnosed for 18 months before my tumor was finally discovered and then it was too late for an alternative treatment to surgery.”

The surgery left Ms. Dearie with facial paralysis, 50 percent deafness, balance and vision problems, fatigue, nerve damage, and muscle spasms.

She said: “I had to undergo four corrective surgeries that I would not have needed had the tumor been found earlier.

“I’m in constant pain and it affects every aspect of a normal life.”

According to The Brain Tumor Charity, which funded the study, more than 12,000 people are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor each year.

More than 5,300 people die each year from brain tumors, and only 12 percent of adults survive five years after diagnosis.

Brain tumors are the biggest cancer killer in children and adults under the age of 40.

The signs of a brain tumor



Headaches can have various causes, you may be dehydrated or even stressed.

Most of the time, a headache can be relieved by pain medication, but if your headache persists or gets worse, it could be a sign of brain cancer.


If you are experiencing nausea and being sick regularly is unexplained, it could be a sign of brain cancer.

The NHS advises if you feel persistently ill or if you are constantly ill and feel sleepy, you should see your GP.

epileptic attacks

Seizures can often be a red flag, you may have a brain tumor.

It is when you suffer from an involuntary movement and cannot control your arms or legs.


Feeling weak is not uncommon – if you haven’t eaten enough or have really exercised, you may feel a little wobbly.

But feeling weak regularly despite being rested, eating well, and for no other known reason is a cancer warning sign that you should get tested.

Vision or speech problems

Speech problems and blurred vision can be signs of a variety of conditions.

Drinking too much, or feeling stressed or anxious can cause these symptoms.

But it’s often a red flag of a tumor – seeing your optician or GP is the next step if you’ve noticed a change.

Behavioral changes

It is common to feel many different moods and emotions during a day.

In general, stress or the task you are doing will be the cause, but if you have noticed a change in yourself or a loved one that you cannot explain, it could be a sign of cancer.

The NHS says that “mental or behavioral changes, such as memory problems or changes in personality” could be signs of brain cancer.

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