Simple Dietary Changes for Easy Weight Loss Before Summer: Tips from a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer

by time news

2024-04-20 15:20:00

A lighter diet and more intense hydration aren’t the only way to tone up before summer. According to a nutritionist and personal trainer, these simple dietary changes can make your weight loss easier.

With the sunny days approaching, many French men and women are looking for diets and “slimming detox” to lose a few extra pounds gained during the winter and to feel better about their body.

In order to get back in shape, it is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol and sugar as well as fatty foods and favor fruit and vegetables. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water and engage in regular physical activity. Regarding food, A few simple changes can do wonders for your weight loss goals.

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Infused water among the habits to adapt to a diet to promote weight loss

According to Alanna Kate Derrick, a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and yoga instructor, you first need replace sugary drinks with homemade infused water. By drinking drinks that contain sugar, such as soda or juice, your liquid calories “add up very quickly and don’t provide valuable nutrients”. Instead, it is better to opt for flavored waters. “Hydrating with something like lemon, cucumber, strawberry, or mint water can be a refreshing, calorie-free thirst quencher.”she explained to the site SheFinds.

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Be careful choosing foods rich in fiber over refined carbs and processed snacks. “Swapping out potato chips for a handful of mixed nuts, substituting nutrient-rich whole grains for white bread, and keeping chopped veggies on hand for dipping in hummus or guacamole can make a big difference”, she continued. It should be said that foods rich in fiber help you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Spices, lean proteins … the other 2 habits to adapt to your diet to promote weight loss

According to coach Alanna Kate Derrick, it is commendableincorporate lean protein into your meals to preserve lean muscle mass. “Scrimping on protein can make you feel hungry sooner after eating”, she said. So you need to include high quality sources of protein such as chicken breast, fish, tofu or lentils in your meals, paying attention to portions to avoid overconsumption.

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Few people know this, but it is recommended to spice up your meals with herbs and spices to increase metabolism. Therefore, the nutrition expert recommends incorporating spices with thermogenic properties. “like cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger or cinnamon”. Spices that add “Tastes low in calories and may even help reduce sugar cravings”.

With the wealth of experience she has in several editorial offices, Doriane is today an expert on famous subjects, not forgetting the television and the cinema, that she no longer has any secrets for…

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