Since March 23, owners of dead bee colonies and animals have been applying for compensation in the Social Insurance Fund

by time news

From March 23 to 31, 2023, animal breeders and beekeepers can submit applications for benefits under the state aid scheme “Assistance for compensating material damage under died agricultural animals and destroyed beehives as a result of natural disasters’. The budget for targeted support approved by the Management Board of the State Fund “Agriculture” (the Board of the DFZ) is in the amount of BGN 80,000.

Support documents are accepted at the Regional Directorates of the State Fund “Agriculture. Funds will be disbursed by April 21, 2023.

The financial support under the aid consists of direct aid to farmers who have suffered material damage as a result of earthquakes, avalanches, landslides and floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires that occurred naturally. The rates for one dead animal, according to the guidelines, are:

  • bee colonies – BGN 129.63
  • beehives – BGN 131.75
  • horses – BGN 1,120
  • cows – breed of black and spotted cattle – BGN 1,413.50
  • cows – Simmental breed – BGN 1,542
  • cows – crossbred – BGN 1,157
  • cows – Iskar cattle breed – BGN 1,028
  • 5-month-old calves – Iskar cattle breed – BGN 329.60
  • ewes over 12 months – BGN 178.75

The right to support is granted to farmers where dead animals and bee families have been found, included in the Register of the Ministry of Agriculture, created on the basis of the finding protocols of the regional directorates “Agriculture” (ODZ). The issued investigative protocols are for a natural disaster-flood in the region. Plovdiv, municipality Karlovo and stormy hurricane wind in the region. Burgas, as a result of which farm animals and bee families died in 2022.

Individuals, sole traders and legal entities registered as farmers according to Ordinance No. 3 of 1999 can apply for compensation under the scheme. Farmers must not have outstanding debts to the State Fund “Agriculture” and to the state budget.

Guidelines for the application of state aid are published on the site of DFZ.

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