Singer Ron welcomed at the Museum and enraptured by the magic of the Riace Bronzes: “An honor for me to be here”

by time news

Before the big performance on the stage of the monumental Lungomare “Italo Falcomatà”, Ron visited the National Archaeological Museum and the beauties of the city. Accompanying him, through the halls of Palazzo Piacentini, were the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà and the metropolitan councilor delegated to Culture, Filippo Quartuccio. A walk through history, among ancient treasures and wonderful finds, until reaching the foot of the Riace Bronzes, the two warriors who aroused great interest and amazement of the famous singer-songwriter: «It is an honor to be in Reggio Calabria. It is a great dream. Who knows if they would have wanted to sleep or come out in the open. It is something from another world that makes me think of other peoples». Thus, Rosalino Cellamare described his emotions in front of the Greek Heroes.

For the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà, «Ron is an extraordinary artist and his presence in the city is another step that brings us closer, in a crescendo of shows and cultural initiatives, to the procession on Saturday in honor of the Madonna della Consolazione».

“Reggio is a city decked out for the holidays – Falcomatà added – with the lights lit along Corso Garibaldi and up to Piazza Duomo, eager to welcome back and embrace our Patron Saint, Mother of every citizen of Reggio. We have added a program of civil initiatives to the religious celebrations, which, yesterday alone, included four major events, at different times and places, which are part of a quality, broad and varied program that will last the entire week”.

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