Singil: The settlers beat, the police watched and the IDF did not intervene

by time news

Many of the Israeli public are not familiar with the day-to-day life of the residents of the village of Singil, an Arab-Muslim village in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, located in the Samaria mountains between the settlements of Ofra and Shiloh, near Wadi Harmia, southeast of the settlement of Ma’ale Lavona, which is not easy either.
But Singil makes headlines from time to time for serious events, such as a run-over attack that happened a few years ago or for hateful inscriptions left by settlers, the so-called hill youth, on the walls of houses.
Last Thursday in the afternoon, settlers came from the direction of the illegal settlement ‘Shila River Farm’ and violently attacked Palestinian landowners from the village of Singil who came together with the head of the village council to check what was happening on their land after the same settlers arrived with a bulldozer the day before and plowed their land. At least 10 Palestinians were injured, including the head of the council, Hazem Tofesh, who was hit in the head by Michael Shemla, the owner of the illegal settlement. Shmla is a settler well known to the IDF and the Israel Police. The Palestinians filed dozens of complaints against him and as far as Magfon knows, the complaints are still being “investigated” by the Binyamin Police. The IDF, as usual, watches what is happening and does not interfere with the settlers.

The head of the Singil Hazem Council is unconscious after being hit on the head (Photo: Yesh Din)

Photo from Ayed JafrY’s Facebook page

The following questions were addressed to the Israel Police:
“Yesterday (Thursday), settlers led by a settler named Michael Shemla, who is well known to the police, arrived on private lands of the residents of the village of Singil and attacked the Palestinians who were working on their land according to the law of the Civil Administration. The result: seedlings were uprooted, dozens were injured, including the mayor of Singil, none of the settlers were arrested and the police did not act to prevent the attack.
The problem of the settlers in general and Michael Shmla in particular is well known to the police. A number of criminal cases are pending against Shelma.
The questions:
Why didn’t the police who were present at the time of the incident prevent Shmela and the settlers from attacking the Palestinians?
Why were none of the attackers arrested?
The Binyamin station is well aware of the problems of the Palestinian farmers and the repeated attacks by those who work on their land and many complaints have been filed at the station against Shemla and others. What will be done to prevent these attacks and what will be done about the complaints against Shemla?”
The following questions were submitted to the IDF:
Yesterday in the afternoon, settlers who came from the direction of Nahal Shilo Farm attacked Palestinian landowners from the village of Singal who came together with the mayor to their privately owned land to try to stop settlers who were plowing their land. The settlers came out from the direction of the farm and beat and injured 8 of them, including the mayor. The IDF force was present. It watched and did not intervene. Why?
The police spokespersons, as well as the IDF spokesperson, preferred not to comment until the publication of this news

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