“Singing helped a lot the teenager that I was not very well in her skin”, confides Mentissa revealed by “The Voice”

by time news

2023-05-25 06:47:01

Every day, a personality invites herself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today, the Belgian author, composer and performer, Mentissa. She is preparing to go on tour in early July 2023 with her first album under her arm, “La Vingtaine”.

She lied is a Belgian author, composer and performer. In 2021, the public discovered him through his participation and his journey on the show The Voice on TF1. She didn’t win, but she was a finalist with a coach, Vianney, who believed in her right away and so much that he offered her the title. And BAM immediately became a success. A song that is part of his first album, The twenteethreleased in November 2022. Since then, she has joined the team of Motherfuckers, her name resounded at the last Victoires de la Musique in the female revelation category and she started her first tour in France and Belgium. She is preparing to go on tour again in early July 2023 with her first album under her arm, The twenteeth.

franceinfo: Do ​​you take the time to take advantage of this media whirlwind?

Liar : So it’s always funny, you don’t really realize everything you’ve done. And when you make a list of all that, all of a sudden, I realize it and I say to myself: Wow! I’ve done all that before, not bad. There is something to be proud of!

Your story sounds like a fairy tale. You started very young. In the beginning there was the dance, then there is this series Glee who comes into your life. There, you discover this fascinating power of the voice, the fact of singing, is it a click for you?

Yeah, I think sometimes in life, you feel things. I think when I started to sing stupidly in my room, the first person who heard my voice was my mom. At that time, we couldn’t say that we had understood that my life was going to look like that, but we felt that there was something.

Your first experience with the public takes place when you are 15 years old in a tele-hook show. You win it and then you go and try something else. First Holland and then France. France will be an incredible journey. I would like you to tell me when all four seats turn around during blind auditions. How do you live this moment when you go on stage, even before singing?

I didn’t expect to be so stressed because I thought to myself: well, you’ve already done it twice. Blind auditions, you know the concept, you know how it’s going to be, it’s going to be fine! But when you get to the moment when the wall opens, you still say to yourself: “Wait, there’s still a chance no one will turn around! And what are you doing all of a sudden? Are you going home?” You have this stress that builds up at the last minute. I usually don’t stress days, months before, I don’t care a bit, but the ten seconds before, I’m really speechless and imagining negative scenarios. It’s a bit too late at that point to do that. I arrive there, I see the four armchairs. Wow… And then the sequel is incredible.

When I had the four seats in ‘The Voice’, I was euphoric, I was happy.

I also remember that I was a little moved at the end of my audition. I started crying and then you have Vianney telling me: ” It’s cool, you’re on the show, everything is fine!

What does it give you to sing?

Today, looking back, I think it helped a lot the teenager who was not very well in her skin. Above all, it gave me a lot of self-confidence.

I would like to talk about the title: The sound of silence which I find different from the other songs on this album.

So it’s one of the very first songs I recorded in the studio with Vincha. I will never forget our very interesting first conversation. I tell him: I want to talk about something that I have always experienced, the ‘Toxic Cogite’, and he looks at me and says: ” Ah yes, not bad“. So I tell him that I am someone who thinks all the time, so I think, but in a toxic way, because in fact I always have quite negative ideas which mean that, at the moment for example, I’m talking to you, but maybe I’m already in my head saying to myself: yes well, that means that tomorrow, I have to do this, I’m going to have to manage that. And so I said to him: I have want to talk about it because it’s something that’s been happening to me for a long time. It’s related to anxiety, stress and I said to him: yes, ‘toxic cogitis’, let’s talk about it! The sound of silence, that’s it, it’s this desire to simply sometimes be able to turn off your brain, your thoughts and stop thinking. Which is impossible. I think my brain never sleeps.

Many concert dates are being set up. It’s pretty crazy. How do you react to the fact that this audience is growing in number and that they have totally adopted you?

So far so good. I don’t like this concept of fans. I just tell myself that these are people who don’t necessarily know me, but who appreciate me, who support me and who give me love. And right now, I feel like we’re a growing family. I have more and more girlfriends and boyfriends. I prefer to approach it like this because suddenly, it’s less: “Wow, you have a community, you have fans, you have people who love you!

I don’t like this word ‘fan’. No, you have people who appreciate you for what you are, for what you do and who come to see you.

Finally, what does this album represent, The twenteeth ?

I like to think that this album represents the birth, the beginning of my music, of everything that happened. It’s also a bit of a new me. I noticed that I was not at all really the same person, finally, between the moment when I started it and the one when I finished it. And that is good. When you finish on an album and you say to yourself: I wrote lyrics and I feel that I freed myself in a lot of things, that feels good!

She lied will be in concert, for example, on July 1, 2023 in Orléans, on the 7th in Fouesnant, on August 9 in Prévenchères etc…

#Singing #helped #lot #teenager #skin #confides #Mentissa #revealed #Voice

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