Sino-Africa Cooperation Forum: Cestari (ItalAfrica), major changes expected especially for renewable energy

by time news

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 5 September 2024

(AGENPARL) – Thu 05 September 2024 *Sino-African Cooperation Forum*: Cestari (ItalAfrica), expected
big changes especially for renewable energy
* “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation* (FOCAC), the diplomatic summit
between *China* and *Africa, is bound to produce major changes in the
international cooperation. China which is already the largest partner
trade of African countries in the last 15 years*, with a volume
commercial, which reached record levels in 2023, will be even more so
with repercussions that will also affect Europe and America”. It is the
comment by the President of the ItalAfrica Chamber Alfredo Carmine Cestari for
which “developments are expected in particular for Renewable Energy:
Africa, with its vast potential for solar energy and
wind power, is seen by Beijing as a strategic region for the transition
Global Energy. Chinese Investments in Renewable Energy
not only help diversify energy sources, but also allow
to export Chinese technologies, consolidating Beijing’s role as
world leader in the fight against climate change. During the Forum for
China-Africa cooperation – he added – plans have been illustrated that
include 30 new energy projects”. Highlighting that in these
ten years the “*One Belt One Road”* (the new Silk Road) has
completed *over 300 energy projects *abroad, for a value of
estimated investment of approximately *200 billion dollars *and a *capacity
cumulative total of 128 GW, Cestari says that “*analysts estimate that
In the country, as many as *1,400 GW of capacity will be operational by the end of 2024
production of solar panels*. A value sufficient by itself to satisfy
annual global demand through 2032, based on current
company growth forecasts. For comparison, the ability to
2022 supply in the Asian giant was “only” 637 GW”.
For the President of ItalAfrica “in addition to the strong interest of African countries
Italy also has an important role to play after the six agreements
strategic agreements for a volume of 20 billion recently signed in Beijing
from Prime Minister Meloni. In particular the agreement on electric cars but
also on renewables is included in the Memorandum of Collaboration
Industrial*. The agreement between Mimit and the Ministry of Industry of
People’s Republic of China, is *focused on strengthening the
cooperation in the industrial sector*. It is therefore on renewables that the
Italian companies must increase their commitment and planning by looking at
to Africa and China”.

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