Six eco-responsible actions adopted in healthcare establishments

by time news
Several establishments are finding solutions to improve their environmental performance. 87154587/sudok1 –

Recycling what cannot be reused, streamlining patient transport, betting on clean energy, encouraging responsible and local purchases… Some healthcare establishments are not stingy with ideas for improving their environmental performance.

Overpack to throw away less

In the context of home hospitalization, equipment delivered but not used must be discarded. To avoid this waste, Nancy home hospitalization has implemented over-packaging. “If not used, the 2e packaging is removed and the equipment can go back into the circuit”, explains Véronique Molières. A person with a disability is dedicated to this work.

Recycle stainless steel blades

Since 2017, the surgery and digestive endoscopy rooms of the Strasbourg University Hospital have been collecting non-reusable stainless steel blades. In 2020, 276 kg of stainless steel were recovered for 5 adult surgery rooms and 4 pediatric surgery rooms. In 2021, 800 kg. “The goal is to extend this recovery to the 55 operating rooms of all the operating theaters of Strasbourg university hospitals. We estimate that around 4.5 tonnes of stainless steel can be recovered each year”emphasizes the Pr Patrick Pessaux, surgeon and president of the Collective eco-responsibility in health (Ceres).

Carpooling for dialysis patients

The North Parisian private hospital (Sarcelles, Val-d’Oise) carpooled 61% of its dialysis patients between 2015 and 2019. Result: 41% less greenhouse gas emissions, and 200,000 euros not billed to the patient. ‘Health Insurance. Interrupted due to the Covid, the system is gradually resuming.

Engage in responsible purchasing

The Montberon clinic, a private psychiatric establishment in Haute-Garonne, has adopted a responsible purchasing charter. The cleaning products are eco-labelled and phosphate-free. Detergents, on the other hand, are delivered in vacuum-packed plastic bags and without packaging. In terms of catering, the village baker delivers the bread every morning and the meat is bought from the butcher next door. Plastic trays are no longer used and give way to washable dishes.

Install solar panels

In 2021, the Saint Privat polyclinic in Boujan-sur-Libron (Hérault) installed 2,200 photovoltaic panels over 4,200 m2 of car park. This resulted in 25% energy savings over the year.

Reconnect with soap and water

The Nice University Hospital maternity team analyzed all the care in its department that required the use of an antiseptic. Of the 8 treatments analysed, 5 are now done with soap and water, 3 have retained the use of an antiseptic.

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